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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 62: Ultracold atoms: Manipulation and detection
Q 62.2: Vortrag
Freitag, 22. März 2013, 11:15–11:30, F 142
Coherent manipulation of cold cesium atoms in a nanofiber-based two-color dipole trap — •Daniel Reitz, Rudolf Mitsch, Clement Sayrin, Philipp Schneeweiss, and Arno Rauschenbeutel — Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, TU Wien, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, A-1020 Wien, Austria
We have recently demonstrated a new experimental platform for trapping and optically interfacing laser-cooled cesium atoms. The scheme uses a two-color evanescent field surrounding an optical nanofiber to localize the atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice 200 nm above the nanofiber surface. In order to use this fiber-coupled ensemble of trapped atoms for applications in the context of quantum communication and quantum information processing, non-classical states of the atomic spins have to be prepared and should live long enough to allow one to apply successive quantum gates. The close proximity of the trapped atoms to the nanofiber surface and the strong polarization gradients of nanofiber-guided light fields are potentially important sources of decoherence. Here, we present our latest experimental results on the coherence properties of atomic spins in our nanofiber-based trap. Using a microwave field to drive the clock transition, we determine inhomogeneous and homogeneous dephasing times by Ramsey and spin echo techniques, respectively. Our results constitute the first measurement of the coherence properties of atoms trapped in the vicinity of a nanofiber and represent a fundamental step towards establishing nanofiber-based traps for cold atoms as a building block in a quantum network.