Q 63: Photonics IV
Friday, March 22, 2013, 14:00–16:00, F 128
14:00 |
Q 63.1 |
On-chip optical isolation based on non-reciprocal resonant delocalization effects — •Ramy El-ganainy, Pradeep Kumar, and Miguel Levy
14:15 |
Q 63.2 |
High Aspect Ratio Micro-Rod Arrays as 2D Photonic Crystal Structures — •Christian Kraeh, Markus Schieber, Alexandru Popescu, Harry Hedler, Martin Zeitlmair, and Jonathan Finley
14:30 |
Q 63.3 |
Photonic Crystals for Improved Light Extraction from Scintillators: Impact of Scintillator Parameters — •Christof Thalhammer, Alexandru Popescu, Harry Hedler, and Thoralf Niendorf
14:45 |
Q 63.4 |
Effect of Domain Shape on Noncollinear Second-Harmonic Emission in Disordered Quadratic Media — •Markus Passlick, Mousa Ayoub, Philip Roedig, Kaloian Koynov, Jörg Imbrock, and Cornelia Denz
15:00 |
Q 63.5 |
Polarization of Random-Lasing Modes under Weak Localization — •Sebastian Knitter, Michael Kues, Michael Haidl, and Carsten Fallnich
15:15 |
Q 63.6 |
Numerische Untersuchungen zu anisotrop verstärkten laseraktiven randomisierten Medien — •Michael Haidl, Michael Kues, Sebastian Knitter und Carsten Fallnich
15:30 |
Q 63.7 |
Anderson localization in optically induced photonic random structures — •Sebastian Brake, Martin Boguslawski, Patrick Rose, and Cornelia Denz
15:45 |
Q 63.8 |
3D Photonic Crystals from Rolled Membranes — •Silvia Giudicatti, Matthew R. Jorgensen, and Oliver G. Schmidt