Jena 2013 –
scientific programme
GR 10: Numerische Relativitätstheorie II
Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 16:30–18:30, HS 6
16:30 |
GR 10.1 |
Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers — •Wolfgang Kastaun
16:45 |
GR 10.2 |
Highly eccentric neutron star binaries as revealed by numerical relativity: Properties of their gravitational waves and merger remnants — •Nathan Johnson-McDaniel, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Marcus Thierfelder, and Bernd Brügmann
17:00 |
GR 10.3 |
Evolution of magnetized hypermassive neutron stars — •Daniel Siegel, Riccardo Ciolfi, and Luciano Rezzolla
17:15 |
GR 10.4 |
Tidal effects in binary neutron star coalescence — •Sebastiano Bernuzzi
17:30 |
GR 10.5 |
A minimax approach to solving for relativistic stellar equilibria — •Charalampos Markakis, Bernd Brügmann, Richard Price, and John Friedman
17:45 |
GR 10.6 |
Numerical long-term integration of compact binary systems — •Jonathan Seyrich
18:00 |
GR 10.7 |
Initial data for perturbed Kerr black holes on hyperboloidal slices — •David Schinkel, Marcus Ansorg, and Rodrigo Panosso Macedo
18:15 |
GR 10.8 |
Spinning Q-balls and Boson Stars in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime — Jutta Kunz, Eugen Radu, and •Bintoro Subagyo