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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

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Tue, 08:30–09:15 H1 PV IV 08:30 None P R a P 08:30 R a
08:30 None P R b P 08:30 R b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H1 SYSC 1: Strong Coupling in Solid State Quantum Systems (SYSC) 09:30 None UP P a UP 09:30 P a
09:30 None UP P b UP 09:30 P b
Tue, 09:30–11:45 H43 BP 12: Molecular Motors 09:30 None UQP UP a UQP 09:30 UP a
09:30 None UQP UP b UQP 09:30 UP b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H44 BP 13: Imaging 09:30 None UQP UPP a UQP 09:30 UPP a
09:30 None UQP UPP b UQP 09:30 UPP b
Tue, 09:30–13:00 H34 BP 14: Biomaterials and Biopolymers I (joint with CPP) 09:30 None UQP UPPP a UQP 09:30 UPPP a
09:30 None UQP UPPP b UQP 09:30 UPPP b
Tue, 09:30–13:00 H34 CPP 13: Biomaterials and Biopolymers I (joint session CPP/BP) 09:30 None UQPP U a UQPP 09:30 U a
09:30 None UQPP U b UQPP 09:30 U b
Tue, 09:30–13:00 H39 CPP 14: Crystallization, Nucleation and Self Assembly I 09:30 None UQPP V a UQPP 09:30 V a
09:30 None UQPP V b UQPP 09:30 V b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H32 CPP 15: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics II (joint session DS/CPP/HL/O) 09:30 None UQPP W a UQPP 09:30 W a
09:30 None UQPP W b UQPP 09:30 W b
Tue, 09:30–13:00 H40 CPP 16: Interfaces and Thin Films II (joint session with DECHEMA and VDI) 09:30 None UQPP X a UQPP 09:30 X a
09:30 None UQPP X b UQPP 09:30 X b
Tue, 09:30–12:30 H46 CPP 17: Glasses II (joint session DY/DF/CPP) 09:30 None UQPP XP a UQPP 09:30 XP a
09:30 None UQPP XP b UQPP 09:30 XP b
Tue, 09:30–12:20 H11 DF 10: Optical and nonlinear optical properties, photonic 09:30 None UQPPP U a UQPPP 09:30 U a
09:30 None UQPPP U b UQPPP 09:30 U b
Tue, 09:30–12:30 H46 DF 11: Glasses II (joint session with CPP, DY) 09:30 None UQPPP V a UQPPP 09:30 V a
09:30 None UQPPP V b UQPPP 09:30 V b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H8 DS 14: Focus Session: Functionalized Semiconductor Nanowires I (jointly with HL) 09:30 None UQQ U a UQQ 09:30 U a
09:30 None UQQ U b UQQ 09:30 U b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H32 DS 15: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics II (jointly with CPP, HL, O) 09:30 None UQQ V a UQQ 09:30 V a
09:30 None UQQ V b UQQ 09:30 V b
Tue, 09:30–12:30 H46 DY 10: Glasses (joint session DY/DF/CPP) 09:30 None UQQP S a UQQP 09:30 S a
09:30 None UQQP S b UQQP 09:30 S b
Tue, 09:30–11:45 H47 DY 11: Statistics and Dynamics of/on Networks (joint session BP/DY/SOE) 09:30 None UQQP SP a UQQP 09:30 SP a
09:30 None UQQP SP b UQQP 09:30 SP b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H48 DY 12: Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization and Chaos I 09:30 None UQQP SPP a UQQP 09:30 SPP a
09:30 None UQQP SPP b UQQP 09:30 SPP b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H1 DY 13: Symposium: Strong Coupling in Solid State Quantum Systems (SYSC) 09:30 None UQQP SPQ a UQQP 09:30 SPQ a
09:30 None UQQP SPQ b UQQP 09:30 SPQ b
Tue, 09:30–12:15 H2 HL 31: Focus Session: Dirac fermions in solid-state systems (HL, jointly with TT) 09:30 None UQQPP YRPQ a UQQPP 09:30 YRPQ a
09:30 None UQQPP YRPQ b UQQPP 09:30 YRPQ b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H3 HL 32: Spintronics and magnetic semiconductors (MA, jointly with HL) 09:30 None UQQPP YRPQP a UQQPP 09:30 YRPQP a
09:30 None UQQPP YRPQP b UQQPP 09:30 YRPQP b
Tue, 09:30–10:00 H13 HL 33: Invited Talk: Hubert Krenner 09:30 None UQQPP YRPR a UQQPP 09:30 YRPR a
09:30 None UQQPP YRPR b UQQPP 09:30 YRPR b
Tue, 09:30–10:45 H15 HL 34: Quantum dots and wires: Theory 09:30 None UQQPP YRQ a UQQPP 09:30 YRQ a
09:30 None UQQPP YRQ b UQQPP 09:30 YRQ b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H17 HL 35: Graphene: Transport (TT, jointly with HL, MA, O) 09:30 None UQQPP YRQP a UQQPP 09:30 YRQP a
09:30 None UQQPP YRQP b UQQPP 09:30 YRQP b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H8 HL 36: Focus Session: Functionalized semiconductor nanowires I (DS, jointly with HL) 09:30 None UQQPP YRQPP a UQQPP 09:30 YRQPP a
09:30 None UQQPP YRQPP b UQQPP 09:30 YRQPP b
Tue, 09:30–12:30 H20 HL 37: Transport: Quantum dots, wires, point contacts 3 (TT, jointly with HL) 09:30 None UQQPP YRQPPP a UQQPP 09:30 YRQPPP a
09:30 None UQQPP YRQPPP b UQQPP 09:30 YRQPPP b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H32 HL 38: Organic electronics and photovoltaics II (DS, jointly with CPP, HL, O) 09:30 None UQQPP YRQPPPP a UQQPP 09:30 YRQPPPP a
Tue, 09:30–12:15 H5 KR 4: Quantitative Materialanalyse (MI jointly with KR) 09:30 None UQQPPP R a UQQPPP 09:30 R a
09:30 None UQQPPP R b UQQPPP 09:30 R b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H10 MA 12: Focus Session: Terahertz Spintronics 09:30 None UQQPPPP U a UQQPPPP 09:30 U a
09:30 None UQQPPPP U b UQQPPPP 09:30 U b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H17 MA 13: Graphene - Electronic Properties and Transport 2 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) 09:30 None UQQPPPP V a UQQPPPP 09:30 V a
09:30 None UQQPPPP V b UQQPPPP 09:30 V b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H23 MA 14: Micromagetic Simulation and Electron Theory of Magnetism 09:30 None UQQPPPP W a UQQPPPP 09:30 W a
09:30 None UQQPPPP W b UQQPPPP 09:30 W b
Tue, 09:30–12:00 H3 MA 15: Spintronics and Magnetic Semiconductors (jointly with HL) 09:30 None UQQPPPP WP a UQQPPPP 09:30 WP a
09:30 None UQQPPPP WP b UQQPPPP 09:30 WP b
Tue, 09:30–13:00 H22 MA 17: Magnetic Particles and Clusters (jointly with CPP, BP) 09:30 None UQQPPPP X a UQQPPPP 09:30 X a
09:30 None UQQPPPP X b UQQPPPP 09:30 X b
Tue, 09:30–13:45 H16 MA 18: Topological Defects in Magnetic Materials: from Devices to Cosmos
(PhD-Student Symposium jointly with jDPG)
09:30 None UQQPPPP Y a UQQPPPP 09:30 Y a
09:30 None UQQPPPP Y b UQQPPPP 09:30 Y b
Tue, 09:30–12:15 H5 MI 5: Quantitative Materialanalyse (mit KR) 09:30 None UQQPPPPP PR a UQQPPPPP 09:30 PR a
09:30 None UQQPPPPP PR b UQQPPPPP 09:30 PR b
Tue, 09:30–10:00 H24 MM 16: Invited Talk (Hauptvortrag): Takeuchi 09:30 None UQQPPPPPP WPPP a UQQPPPPPP 09:30 WPPP a
Tue, 09:30–10:15 H36 O 25: Invited Talk (Sohrab Ismail-Beigi) 09:30 None UR \ a UR 09:30 \ a
09:30 None UR \ b UR 09:30 \ b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H17 O 26: Transport: Graphene - Electronic Properties and Transport 2 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and TT) 09:30 None UR \P a UR 09:30 \P a
09:30 None UR \P b UR 09:30 \P b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H32 O 27: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics II (jointly with CPP, DS, HL) 09:30 None UR \Q a UR 09:30 \Q a
09:30 None UR \Q b UR 09:30 \Q b
Tue, 09:30–10:15 H37 SOE 8: Decision-making in societies (Invited Talk Iain Couzin) 09:30 None V U a V 09:30 U a
09:30 None V U b V 09:30 U b
Tue, 09:30–11:45 H47 SOE 9: Statistics and Dynamics of/on Networks (joint session BP/DY/SOE) 09:30 None V UP a V 09:30 UP a
09:30 None V UP b V 09:30 UP b
Tue, 09:30–12:15 H2 TT 24: Focused Session: Dirac Fermions in Solid-State Systems (jointly with HL) 09:30 None X UP a X 09:30 UP a
09:30 None X UP b X 09:30 UP b
Tue, 09:30–13:15 H9 TT 25: Correlated Electrons: Low-Dimensional Systems - Models 3 09:30 None X UPP a X 09:30 UPP a
09:30 None X UPP b X 09:30 UPP b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H17 TT 26: Graphene - Electronic Properties and Transport 2 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) 09:30 None X UQ a X 09:30 UQ a
09:30 None X UQ b X 09:30 UQ b
Tue, 09:30–13:15 H18 TT 27: Superconductivity: Fe-based Superconductors - 122 09:30 None X UQP a X 09:30 UQP a
09:30 None X UQP b X 09:30 UQP b
Tue, 09:30–12:45 H19 TT 28: Correlated Electrons: Spin Systems, Itinerant Magnets 3 09:30 None X UQPP a X 09:30 UQPP a
09:30 None X UQPP b X 09:30 UQPP b
Tue, 09:30–12:30 H20 TT 29: Transport: Quantum Dots, Wires, Point Contacts 3 (jointly with HL) 09:30 None X UR a X 09:30 UR a
09:30 None X UR b X 09:30 UR b
Tue, 09:30–13:00 H21 TT 30: Correlated Electrons: Quantum Impurities, Kondo Physics 09:30 None X US a X 09:30 US a
09:30 None X US b X 09:30 US b
Tue, 09:30–12:15 H41 TT 31: Correlated Electrons: Low-Dimensional Systems -Materials 1 09:30 None X UT a X 09:30 UT a
09:30 None X UT b X 09:30 UT b
Tue, 09:30–13:45 H16 AGjDPG 2: Topological Defects in Magnetic Materials: from Devices to Cosmos
(PhD-Student Symposium jointly with MA)
09:30 None YP PP a YP 09:30 PP a
09:30 None YP PP b YP 09:30 PP b
Tue, 10:15–12:45 H13 HL 39: Optical properties 10:15 None UQQPP YRQPPPPP a UQQPP 10:15 YRQPPPPP a
Tue, 10:15–11:30 H4 MM 17: Topical Session: TEM-Symposium - HR Imaging & Analytic I 10:15 None UQQPPPPPP WQ a UQQPPPPPP 10:15 WQ a
10:15 None UQQPPPPPP WQ b UQQPPPPPP 10:15 WQ b
Tue, 10:15–11:30 H24 MM 18: Computational Materials Modelling - Phase Stability I 10:15 None UQQPPPPPP WQP a UQQPPPPPP 10:15 WQP a
Tue, 10:15–11:30 H25 MM 19: Topical Session: Combinatorial Materials Science I 10:15 None UQQPPPPPP WQPP a UQQPPPPPP 10:15 WQPP a
Tue, 10:15–11:30 H26 MM 20: Transport & Diffusion I 10:15 None UQQPPPPPP WQPPP a UQQPPPPPP 10:15 WQPPP a
Tue, 10:15–11:15 H37 SOE 10: Opinion Formation I 10:15 None V UPP a V 10:15 UPP a
10:15 None V UPP b V 10:15 UPP b
Tue, 10:30–13:30 Poster D DF 12: Poster 1 10:30 None UQPPP W a UQPPP 10:30 W a
10:30 None UQPPP W b UQPPP 10:30 W b
Tue, 10:30–14:30 H36 HL 40: Focus Session: Frontiers of electronic structure theory III (O, jointly with HL, TT) 10:30 None UQQPP Z a UQQPP 10:30 Z a
10:30 None UQQPP Z b UQQPP 10:30 Z b
Tue, 10:30–13:30 Poster D MA 16: Poster I 10:30 None UQQPPPP WPP a UQQPPPP 10:30 WPP a
10:30 None UQQPPPP WPP b UQQPPPP 10:30 WPP b
Tue, 10:30–13:15 H33 MA 19: Surface and Interface Magnetism I (jointly with O) 10:30 None UQQPPPP Z a UQQPPPP 10:30 Z a
10:30 None UQQPPPP Z b UQQPPPP 10:30 Z b
Tue, 10:30–14:30 H36 O 28: Focussed Session: Frontiers of Electronic Structure Theory III (jointly with HL and TT) 10:30 None UR ] a UR 10:30 ] a
10:30 None UR ] b UR 10:30 ] b
Tue, 10:30–13:15 H38 O 29: Organic/bio Molecules on Metal Surfaces III 10:30 None UR ]P a UR 10:30 ]P a
10:30 None UR ]P b UR 10:30 ]P b
Tue, 10:30–13:00 H31 O 30: Plasmonics and Nanooptics III 10:30 None UR ]PP a UR 10:30 ]PP a
10:30 None UR ]PP b UR 10:30 ]PP b
Tue, 10:30–13:15 H33 O 31: Surface and Interface Magnetism I (jointly with MA) 10:30 None UR ]PQ a UR 10:30 ]PQ a
10:30 None UR ]PQ b UR 10:30 ]PQ b
Tue, 10:30–12:30 H42 O 32: Metal Substrates I 10:30 None UR ]PQP a UR 10:30 ]PQP a
10:30 None UR ]PQP b UR 10:30 ]PQP b
Tue, 10:30–12:45 H45 O 33: Nanostructures at Surfaces III 10:30 None UR ]PR a UR 10:30 ]PR a
10:30 None UR ]PR b UR 10:30 ]PR b
Tue, 10:30–14:30 H36 TT 32: Focused Session: Frontiers of Electronic Structure Theory 3 (jointly with HL and O) 10:30 None X V a X 10:30 V a
10:30 None X V b X 10:30 V b
Tue, 11:15–12:45 H15 HL 41: Quantum dots and wires: Preparation and characterization 11:15 None UQQPP ZP a UQQPP 11:15 ZP a
11:15 None UQQPP ZP b UQQPP 11:15 ZP b
Tue, 11:15–11:45 H37 SOE 11: Opinion Formation II 11:15 None V UPPP a V 11:15 UPPP a
11:15 None V UPPP b V 11:15 UPPP b
Tue, 11:45–13:00 H4 MM 21: Topical Session: TEM-Symposium - HR Imaging & Analytic II 11:45 None UQQPPPPPP X a UQQPPPPPP 11:45 X a
11:45 None UQQPPPPPP X b UQQPPPPPP 11:45 X b
Tue, 11:45–13:00 H24 MM 22: Computational Materials Modelling - Phase Stability II 11:45 None UQQPPPPPP Y a UQQPPPPPP 11:45 Y a
11:45 None UQQPPPPPP Y b UQQPPPPPP 11:45 Y b
Tue, 11:45–13:00 H25 MM 23: Topical Session: Combinatorial Materials Science II 11:45 None UQQPPPPPP Z a UQQPPPPPP 11:45 Z a
11:45 None UQQPPPPPP Z b UQQPPPPPP 11:45 Z b
Tue, 11:45–13:00 H26 MM 24: Transport & Diffusion II 11:45 None UQQPPPPPP ZP a UQQPPPPPP 11:45 ZP a
11:45 None UQQPPPPPP ZP b UQQPPPPPP 11:45 ZP b
Tue, 11:45–12:00 H37 SOE 12: Risks and Large Deviations in Economic Networks II 11:45 None V UPPQ a V 11:45 UPPQ a
11:45 None V UPPQ b V 11:45 UPPQ b
Tue, 12:00–14:00 H43 BP 15: DNA/RNA and related enzymes 12:00 None UQP UPPQ a UQP 12:00 UPPQ a
12:00 None UQP UPPQ b UQP 12:00 UPPQ b
Tue, 12:00–12:45 H37 SOE 13: Economic Growth and Longevity II (Invited Talk Geoffrey West) 12:00 None V UPQ a V 12:00 UPQ a
12:00 None V UPQ b V 12:00 UPQ b
Tue, 12:30–13:00 H2 HL 42: Invited Talk: Gregor Mussler 12:30 None UQQPP [ a UQQPP 12:30 [ a
12:30 None UQQPP [ b UQQPP 12:30 [ b
Tue, 13:15–13:45 H1 PV V 13:15 None P S a P 13:15 S a
13:15 None P S b P 13:15 S b
Tue, 14:00–14:45 H1 PV VI 14:00 None P SP a P 14:00 SP a
14:00 None P SP b P 14:00 SP b
Tue, 14:00–14:45 H15 PV VII 14:00 None P T a P 14:00 T a
14:00 None P T b P 14:00 T b
Tue, 14:00–14:45 H1 DF 13: PV VI 14:00 None UQPPP X a UQPPP 14:00 X a
14:00 None UQPPP X b UQPPP 14:00 X b
Tue, 14:45–16:15 H32 DS 16: Organic Thin Films I 14:45 None UQQ W a UQQ 14:45 W a
14:45 None UQQ W b UQQ 14:45 W b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H37 BP 16: Evolutionary Game Theory (joint with SOE and DY) 15:00 None UQP UPQ a UQP 15:00 UPQ a
15:00 None UQP UPQ b UQP 15:00 UPQ b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H44 DY 14: Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization and Chaos II 15:00 None UQQP T a UQQP 15:00 T a
15:00 None UQQP T b UQQP 15:00 T b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H37 DY 15: Evolutionary Game Theory (joint session BP/DY/SOE) 15:00 None UQQP U a UQQP 15:00 U a
15:00 None UQQP U b UQQP 15:00 U b
Tue, 15:00–15:30 H2 HL 43: Invited Talk: Stefan Ludwig 15:00 None UQQPP [P a UQQPP 15:00 [P a
15:00 None UQQPP [P b UQQPP 15:00 [P b
Tue, 15:00–16:15 H3 HL 44: Photonic crystals 15:00 None UQQPP [Q a UQQPP 15:00 [Q a
15:00 None UQQPP [Q b UQQPP 15:00 [Q b
Tue, 15:00–16:15 H13 HL 45: Transport in high magnetic fields / Quantum Hall effect 15:00 None UQQPP [QP a UQQPP 15:00 [QP a
15:00 None UQQPP [QP b UQQPP 15:00 [QP b
Tue, 15:00–16:15 H15 HL 46: III-V semiconductors: mainly wires and dots 15:00 None UQQPP [QPP a UQQPP 15:00 [QPP a
15:00 None UQQPP [QPP b UQQPP 15:00 [QPP b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H4 MM 25: Topical Session: TEM-Symposium - Structure-Property 15:00 None UQQPPPPPP ZPP a UQQPPPPPP 15:00 ZPP a
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H24 MM 26: Computational Materials Modelling - Diffusion & Kinetics I 15:00 None UQQPPPPPP [ a UQQPPPPPP 15:00 [ a
15:00 None UQQPPPPPP [ b UQQPPPPPP 15:00 [ b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H25 MM 27: Topical Session: Combinatorial Materials Science III 15:00 None UQQPPPPPP [P a UQQPPPPPP 15:00 [P a
15:00 None UQQPPPPPP [P b UQQPPPPPP 15:00 [P b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H26 MM 28: Transport & Diffusion III 15:00 None UQQPPPPPP \ a UQQPPPPPP 15:00 \ a
15:00 None UQQPPPPPP \ b UQQPPPPPP 15:00 \ b
Tue, 15:00–15:45 H36 O 34: Invited Talk (Martin Weinelt) 15:00 None UR ^ a UR 15:00 ^ a
15:00 None UR ^ b UR 15:00 ^ b
Tue, 15:00–16:00 H37 SOE 14: Evolutionary Game Theory (joint with BP and DY) 15:00 None V V a V 15:00 V a
15:00 None V V b V 15:00 V b
Tue, 15:30–16:00 H2 HL 47: Invited Talk: Mitiko Miura-Mattausch 15:30 None UQQPP [QPPP a UQQPP 15:30 [QPPP a
15:30 None UQQPP [QPPP b UQQPP 15:30 [QPPP b
Tue, 16:15–18:10 H1 Festsitzung mit PV VIII 16:15 None P TP a P 16:15 TP a
16:15 None P TP b P 16:15 TP b
Tue, 18:15–20:15 Poster C CPP 18: Poster: Polymer Dynamics 18:15 None UQPP XPP a UQPP 18:15 XPP a
18:15 None UQPP XPP b UQPP 18:15 XPP b
Tue, 18:15–20:15 Poster C CPP 19: Poster: Crystallization, Nucleation and Self Assembly 18:15 None UQPP Y a UQPP 18:15 Y a
18:15 None UQPP Y b UQPP 18:15 Y b
Tue, 18:15–20:15 Poster C CPP 20: Poster: Colloids and Complex Liquids 18:15 None UQPP YP a UQPP 18:15 YP a
18:15 None UQPP YP b UQPP 18:15 YP b
Tue, 18:15–21:45 Poster B1 O 35: Poster Session I (Metal, semiconductor and oxide substrates: structure and adsorbates; Graphene) 18:15 None UR ^P a UR 18:15 ^P a
18:15 None UR ^P b UR 18:15 ^P b
Tue, 18:15–21:45 Poster B2 O 36: Poster Session II (Organic films and electronics, photoorganics; Nanostructures; Plasmonics and nanooptics, Surface chemical reactions and heterogeneous catalysis, Surface dynamics ) 18:15 None UR _ a UR 18:15 _ a
18:15 None UR _ b UR 18:15 _ b
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