BP 1: Cell migration
Montag, 11. März 2013, 09:30–13:00, H43
09:30 |
BP 1.1 |
Motor-clutch model for substrate stiffness sensing by living cells — •David Odde, Benjamin Bangasser, and Steven Rosenfeld
10:00 |
BP 1.2 |
Mechanics of Collagen Gels - What Cells Feel — •Julian Steinwachs, Claus Metzner, Stefan Münster, Nadine Lang, and Ben Fabry
10:15 |
BP 1.3 |
Effects of adhesion dynamics and substrate compliance on shape and motility of crawling cells — •Falko Ziebert and Igor Aranson
10:30 |
BP 1.4 |
Cytoskeletal polarization during amoeboid motion in narrow microfluidic channels — •Oliver Nagel, Matthias Theves, Meghan Driscoll, Can Guven, Wolfgang Losert, and Carsten Beta
10:45 |
BP 1.5 |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of self-organized waves in electro-fused amoeboid cells. — •Matthias Gerhardt, Michael Walz, and Carsten Beta
11:00 |
BP 1.6 |
Mechanics of bleb formation in filamin-negative cancer cells — Julia Peukes and •Timo Betz
11:15 |
15 min break
11:30 |
BP 1.7 |
Sensing the surface: shortcuts for bacteria — •Siddharth Deshpande, Isabelle Hug, Urs Jenal, and Thomas Pfohl
11:45 |
BP 1.8 |
Search patterns of human T-cells — •Marc Neef, Hélène Lyrmann, Carsten Kummerow, Markus Hoth, and Karsten Kruse
12:00 |
BP 1.9 |
Modelling malaria parasite motility in heterogeneous environments — •Anna Battista, Friedrich Frischknecht, and Ulrich Schwarz
12:15 |
BP 1.10 |
Swimming mechanism of the African trypanosome using mesoscale hydrodynamics simulations — •Davod Alizadehrad and Holger Stark
12:30 |
BP 1.11 |
Analyzing the mechanics and energetics of motile bacteria with object-adapted optical traps — •Julian Roth, Matthias Koch, and Alexander Rohrbach
12:45 |
BP 1.12 |
The Physical Bounds of In Vivo Cell Motility — •Josef A. Käs