BP 13: Imaging
Dienstag, 12. März 2013, 09:30–12:00, H44
09:30 |
BP 13.1 |
Topical Talk:
Ultrasensitive detection, microscopy, tracking, and manipulation of nano-objects — •Vahid Sandoghdar
10:00 |
BP 13.2 |
Probing Transcription Factor DNA Binding at the Single Molecule Level in Live Mammalian Cells — •J. Christof M. Gebhardt, David M. Suter, Rahul Roy, Ziqing W. Zhao, Alec Chapman, Srinjan Basu, Tom Maniatis, and X. Sunney Xie
10:15 |
BP 13.3 |
STED Microscope with Spiral Phase Contrast — •Marcel Andreas Lauterbach, Marc Guillon, Asma Soltani, and Valentina Emiliani
10:30 |
BP 13.4 |
Object-adapted optical trapping and shape-tracking of helical bacteria — •Matthias Koch and Alexander Rohrbach
10:45 |
BP 13.5 |
Subsurface Imaging of Cells Using Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy at GHz Frequencies — •Matthias Büchsenschütz-Göbeler, Jan Rother, Andreas Janshoff, Walter Arnold, and Konrad Samwer
11:00 |
BP 13.6 |
Magnetic spin imaging at ambient conditions — Steffen Steinert, •Florestan Ziem, Andrea Zappe, Nicolas Götz, Liam Hall, Lloyd Hollenberg, and Jörg Wrachtrup
11:15 |
BP 13.7 |
Motion induced oscillations of Physarum polycephalum detected by AlGaN-GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors — •Thomas Lippelt, Hartmut Witte, Marcus J. B. Hauser, and Alois Krost
11:30 |
BP 13.8 |
Observing lipid diffusion in membranes with microsecond time and nanometer spatial resolution — •Susann Spindler, Chia-Lung Hsieh, Jens Ehrig, and Vahid Sandoghdar
11:45 |
BP 13.9 |
Quantifying Lipid and Protein Diffusion in Black Lipid Membranes — •Kerstin Weiß and Jörg Enderlein