BP 20: Statistical Physics in Biological Systems II (joint with DY)
Mittwoch, 13. März 2013, 15:00–17:30, H43
15:00 |
BP 20.1 |
Topical Talk:
Challenges of Neurophysics — •Theo Geisel
15:30 |
BP 20.2 |
Retinal light collectors enhance underwater vision — •Moritz Kreysing, Kristian Franze, Mike Francke, Andreas Reichenbach, and Jochen Guck
15:45 |
BP 20.3 |
Monte Carlo simulation of the patterns of histone acetylation in response to MS-275 — •Davoud Pouladsaz and Azadeh Ebrahimi
16:00 |
BP 20.4 |
NAD(P)H Dynamics in Yeast Populations — •André Weber, Yury Prokazov, Werner Zuschratter, and Marcus J B Hauser
16:15 |
BP 20.5 |
Description of polarity reorientation in the wing of the fruit fly by liquid crystal hydrodynamics — •Matthias Merkel, Andreas Sagenr, Raphael Etournay, Suzanne Eaton, and Frank Jülicher
16:30 |
BP 20.6 |
Optimization of shape for cargo transport with bead-spring microswimmers — •Jayant Pande and Ana-Sunčana Smith
16:45 |
BP 20.7 |
On the collective motion of Chlamidomonas cells — •Johannes Greber, Salima Rafai, Philippe Peyla, and Walter Zimmermann
17:00 |
BP 20.8 |
Elastic coupling effects in cooperative transport by molecular motors — •Florian Berger, Corina Keller, Stefan Klumpp, and Reinhard Lipowsky
17:15 |
BP 20.9 |
Teams of molecular spiders: Cooperative effects enhance the transport properties — •Matthias Rank, Louis Reese, and Erwin Frey