17:30 |
BP 24.1 |
Induced changes in spatio-temporal oscillations of the cell thickness in response to conflicting stimuli — •Mario Breitkopf and Marcus J. B. Hauser
17:30 |
BP 24.2 |
Causes of retrograde flow in fish keratocytes — •Thomas Fuhs, Michael Goegler, Claudia A. Brunner, Charles W. Wolgemuth, and Josef A. Kaes
17:30 |
BP 24.3 |
Spatio-temporal dynamics of plasmodial migration of the slime mould Physarum polycephalum — •Beatrice Rodiek, Tetsuo Ueda, and Marcus J. B. Hauser
17:30 |
BP 24.4 |
Investigation of the protoplasmic flow in veins of Physarum polycephalum — Sebastian Weise and •Marcus J. B. Hauser
17:30 |
BP 24.5 |
Collective cell migration in tumor colonies — •Janina Lange, Claus Metzner, Julian Steinwachs, Patrick Krauss, Pamela Strissel, and Ben Fabry
17:30 |
BP 24.6 |
Cell visco-elasticity measured with AFM and optical trap at sub-micron deformations — •Paula Sánchez, Weixing Li, Marie Zeiss, Carina Wollnik, Kai Bodensiek, Florian Rehfeldt, and Iwan Schaap
17:30 |
BP 24.7 |
Elasticity measurements of fibroblastic cell nuclei by atomic force microscope for characterizing Lamin and TMEM43 mutations — •Tamara Münnich, Volker Walhorn, Helene Schellenberg, Astrid Kassner, Hendrik Milting, and Dario Anselmetti
17:30 |
BP 24.8 |
Photo-induced switchable cell adhesion on nanostructured surfaces — •Laith Kadem, Qian Li, Michelle Holz, Rainer Herges, and Christine Selhuber-Unkel
17:30 |
BP 24.9 |
A systems-level model for focal adhesions — •Max Hoffmann and Ulrich S. Schwarz
17:30 |
BP 24.10 |
Measuring viscoelasticity in the extracellular space upon particle binding — •Felix Jünger and Alexander Rohrbach
17:30 |
BP 24.11 |
Vimentin structure in human mesenchymal stem cells depends on substrate elasticity — •Jennifer Radwitz
17:30 |
BP 24.12 |
Increased Stiffness of Neutrophils after Activation by Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury-Relavant Antibodies — •Michael Glaubitz, Tom Berthold, Christiane A. Helm, Mihaela Delcea, and Andreas Greinacher
17:30 |
BP 24.13 |
The actin cytoskeleton of chemotactic amoebae operates close to the onset of oscillations — Christian Westendorf, •Jose Negrete Jr, Albert Bae, Rabea Sandmann, Eberhard Bodenschatz, and Carsten Beta
17:30 |
BP 24.14 |
Spatial versus temporal gradient stimuli in eukaryotic chemotaxis — •Alexander Anielski, Eva Pfannes, and Carsten Beta
17:30 |
BP 24.15 |
Amoeboid motion based on membrane folds that are driven by self organized actin waves. — •Matthias Gerhardt, Michael Walz, and Carsten Beta
17:30 |
BP 24.16 |
Dynamics of membrane tubes filled with an active gel — •Dominic Jourdain and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 24.17 |
Using Scanning-Ion-Conductance-Microscopy to probe the axon initial segment of hippocampal neurons — •Ulrich Fromme, Christopher Dilip, Andreas Neef, and Christoph Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 24.18 |
High-speed video microrheology in syncytial Drosophila embryos — •Alok D. Weßel, Mahesh.G. Reddy, Jörg Großhans, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 24.19 |
Bestimmung der Wärmeleitfähigkeit von Pflanzengewebe mit Thermomikrokapillaren — •Waldemar Wedel, Miriam Giesguth, Haleh Ebrahimian, Katharina König, Karl-Josef Dietz, Günter Reiss und Simone Herth
17:30 |
BP 24.20 |
Persistent motion in the crowd - The role of superdiffusivity in cell colony dynamics — •Patrick Krauss, Janina Lange, Claus Metzner, and Ben Fabry
17:30 |
BP 24.21 |
Plectin contributes to the mechanical stability of keratinocytes and myoblasts — •Navid Bonakdar, Achim Schilling, Pablo Lennert, Michael Kuhn, Astrid Mainka, Wolfgang Goldmann, Gerhard Wiche, and Ben Fabry
17:30 |
BP 24.22 |
Non-Equilibrium Cell Mechanics Studied with a Dual Optical Trap — •Florian Schlosser, Florian Rehfeldt, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 24.23 |
Integrin dependent mechanical properties of fibroblasts under shear stress — •Fenneke KleinJan, Yoojin Lee, Reinhard Fässler, and Kay Gottschalk
17:30 |
BP 24.24 |
Dynamics of Stem Cell Stress Fibers — •Carina Wollnik, Ina Schachtschneider, Carsten Gottschlich, Stephan Huckemann, and Florian Rehfeldt
17:30 |
BP 24.25 |
Estimation of Local Cellular Tension with Active Cable Models — Philip Guthardt Torres, •Jérôme Soiné, Christoph Brand, Jonathan Stricker, Venkat Maruthamuthu, Patrick Oakes, Margaret Gardel, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
17:30 |
BP 24.26 |
Biologische Neuronen auf elektrischen Leiterbahnen — •Olga Simon, Stefan Niehörster, Markus Schäfers, Marius Schirmer, Matthias Schürmann, Barbara Kaltschmidt, Christian Kaltschmidt und Andy Thomas
17:30 |
BP 24.27 |
Fluctuations and differential contraction during regeneration of Hydra vulgaris tissue toroids — •Claus Fütterer, Michael Krahe, Iris Wenzel, Kao-Nung Lin, Julia Fischer, Joseph Goldmann, and Markus Kästner
17:30 |
BP 24.28 |
Stochastic dynamics of gliding motility — •Thorsten Erdmann and Ulrich S. Schwarz
17:30 |
BP 24.29 |
Bacterial force spectroscopy: the influence of cell wall proteins on the adhesion process of Staphylococci — •Nicolas Thewes, Peter Loskill, and Karin Jacobs
17:30 |
BP 24.30 |
Automated Optical Stretching — •Roland Stange, Tobias Kießling, Anatol Fritsch, Susanne Rönicke, and Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 24.31 |
Novel elastic force sensors for live cell investigations — •Sören Björn Gutekunst, Julia Reverey, and Christine Selhuber-Unkel
17:30 |
BP 24.32 |
Blood platelets - a model system for understanding cellular mechanics — •Aishwarya Paknikar, Sarah Schwarz G. Henriques, Rabea Sandmann, and Sarah Köster
17:30 |
BP 24.33 |
Quantification and Simulation of Depletion Induced Red Blood Cell-Cell Adhesion — •Elisabeth Eckle, Richards Grzibovskis, Patrick Steffen, and Christian Wagner
17:30 |
BP 24.34 |
Mathematical Modelling of the Surface Change of Erythrocytes due to Mechanical Influences — •Elisabeth Eckle and Richards Grzibovskis