BP 27: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Donnerstag, 14. März 2013, 09:30–12:00, H43
09:30 |
BP 27.1 |
Topical Talk:
DNA Origami: Applications in Physics and Biotechnology — •Tim Liedl
10:00 |
BP 27.2 |
Synthetic ion channels made from DNA — Martin Langecker, Vera Arnaut, Thomas G. Martin, Jonathan List, Hendrik Dietz, and •Friedrich C. Simmel
10:15 |
BP 27.3 |
Diffusion and freezing transition of rod-like DNA origami on freestanding lipid membranes — •Eugene P. Petrov, Aleksander Czogalla, Dominik J. Kauert, Ralf Seidel, and Petra Schwille
10:30 |
BP 27.4 |
Biological applications for nano-mechanical detection of molecular recognition — •Andreas Mader, Kathrin Gruber, Roberto Castelli, Peter Seeberger, Joachim Rädler, and Madeleine Leisner
10:45 |
15 min break
11:00 |
BP 27.5 |
In-situ electrostatic trapping and manipulation of single nano-objects — •Ji Tae Kim and Vahid Sandoghdar
11:15 |
BP 27.6 |
Membrane protein synthesis in giant vesicles — •Susanne Fenz, Rita Sachse, Stefan Kubick, and Thomas Schmidt
11:30 |
BP 27.7 |
Tailoring substrates for long-term organotypic culture of adult neuronal tissue — •Mareike Zink, Valentina Dallacasagrande, Alexander Jakob, Marcus Müller, Andreas Reichenbach, Josef Käs, and Stefan G. Mayr
11:45 |
BP 27.8 |
Advanced high-throughput SEIRA methodology for multiplexed bioassay assessment — •Andrea Hornemann, Sabine Flemig, Gerhard Ulm, and Burkhard Beckhoff