BP 28: Focus session: Intracellular Spectroscopy
Donnerstag, 14. März 2013, 09:30–13:00, H44
09:30 |
BP 28.1 |
Topical Talk:
Advanced Fluorescence Methods for Investigating the Lifecycle of Viruses — •Don C. Lamb
10:00 |
BP 28.2 |
Quantifying the milieu of organelles in living cells via fluorescence lifetime imaging — Nisha Pawar, Saeedeh Aliaskarisohi, and •Matthias Weiss
10:15 |
BP 28.3 |
Protein motion in crowded solutions on fast time scales: diffusion and internal dynamics — •Felix Roosen-Runge, Marcus Hennig, Fajun Zhang, Tilo Seydel, and Frank Schreiber
10:30 |
BP 28.4 |
Labelfree coherent Raman scattering microspectroscopy: A new intracellular spectroscopy tool in lipidomic research — •Gregor Hehl, Margot Grandl, Alexander Kovalev, Markus Peer, Gerhard Liebisch, Gerd Schmitz, and Andreas Volkmer
10:45 |
BP 28.5 |
Mapping lipid membrane molecular properties via vibrational imaging of vesicular systems — •Hilton B. de Aguiar and Andreas Volkmer
11:00 |
BP 28.6 |
Plasmonic Nanoantennas for SERS on Supported Membranes — •Paul Kühler, Theobald Lohmüller, and Jochen Feldmann
11:15 |
15 min break
11:30 |
BP 28.7 |
Topical Talk:
Looking at proteins inside live cells with atomic resolution: Science fiction or science reality? — •Phil Selenko
12:00 |
BP 28.8 |
Inhibition of amyloid formation is impeded at the phospholipid interface — •Michael Schleeger, Corianne vanden Akker, Maarten Engel, Tobias Weidner, Gijsje Koenderinke, and Mischa Bonn
12:15 |
BP 28.9 |
Calculation of the CD spectrum of a flexible peptide — •Zlatko Brkljača, Karmen Čondić-Jurkić, Momir Mališ, David M. Smith, and Ana-Sunčana Smith
12:30 |
BP 28.10 |
CD-Spectroscopic Assessment of Potential Antigenicity of Negatively Charged Biopharmaceuticals — •Sven Brandt, Krystin Krauel, Kay Gottschalk, Christiane Helm, Andreas Greinacher, and Stephan Block
12:45 |
BP 28.11 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.