09:30 |
BP 32.1 |
Mechanics as second messenger in signal transduction — Roger Hardie and •Kristian Franze
09:45 |
BP 32.2 |
Mechanical Properties & Active Fluctuations of Primary Cilia — •Christopher Battle and Christoph F. Schmidt
10:00 |
BP 32.3 |
The influence of substrate stiffness on integrin mediated cell properties — •Maja Gulic, Thomas Kerst, Reinhard Fässler, and Kay-E. Gottschalk
10:15 |
BP 32.4 |
Influence of the Subsurface Composition of a Material on the Adhesion of Staphylococci — •Christian Titus Kreis, Peter Loskill, Nicolas Thewes, Mathias Herrmann, and Karin Jacobs
10:30 |
BP 32.5 |
Actin and membrane contributions to the micromechanics of cell adhesions — •Konrad Berghoff, Yoko Nakano, Patricia Dankers, Leo van IJzendoorn, Bert Meijer, and Holger Kress
10:45 |
BP 32.6 |
Fluctuations of adhesion forces during cellular migration — •B. Sabass, S. V. Plotnikov, C. M. Waterman, and U. S. Schwarz
11:00 |
BP 32.7 |
Reaction-diffusion binding of a membrane to an underlying scaffold — •Timo Bihr, Ana-Suncana Smith, and Udo Seifert
11:15 |
15 min break
11:30 |
BP 32.8 |
Microfluidic Shear Alters Network Dynamics in Living Cells — •Jens-Friedrich Nolting and Sarah Köster
11:45 |
BP 32.9 |
Impact of Temperature on Cell Nuclei Integrity — •Enrico Warmt, Tobias Kießling, Roland Stange, Anatol Fritsch, and Josef Käs
12:00 |
BP 32.10 |
Viscoelastic properties of differentiating blood stem cells evolve to suit their functions — •Andrew Ekpenyong, Graeme Whyte, Kevin Chalut, Stefano Pagliara, Chii Jou Chan, Stephan Paschke, Ulrich F. Keyser, and Jochen Guck
12:15 |
BP 32.11 |
Cell plasticity is tightly linked to elastic stresses in the cytoskeleton — •Richard Gerum, Navid Bonakdar, Michael Kuhn, Achim Schilling, Anna Lippert, Marina Spörrer, Astrid Mainka, and Ben Fabry
12:30 |
BP 32.12 |
The Power of a Flagellar Beat — •Axel Hochstetter, Eric Stellamanns, Sravanti Uppaluri, Niko Heddergott, Markus Engstler, and Thomas Pfohl
12:45 |
BP 32.13 |
Hydrodynamic simulations of platelets in blood flow — •Kathrin Müller, Dmitry A. Fedosov, and Gerhard Gompper