BP 5: Cytoskeleton
Montag, 11. März 2013, 15:00–17:00, H43
15:00 |
BP 5.1 |
Topical Talk:
Cytoskeletal pattern formation: Self organization of driven filaments — •Andreas Bausch
15:30 |
BP 5.2 |
Time dependent irreversible bundling of actin filaments with magnesium ions — Timo Maier, •Tamás Haraszti, and Joachim P. Spatz
15:45 |
BP 5.3 |
The dynamical cytoskeleton regulates morphogenesis in rod-like bacteria — •Sven van Teeffelen
16:00 |
BP 5.4 |
Super-resolution imaging of dynamic MreB filaments in B. Subtilis - a multiple motor driven transport? — Philipp von Olshausen and •Alexander Rohrbach
16:15 |
BP 5.5 |
Mechanochemical patterning of the PAR system in C. elegans — •Vijay Krishnamurthy, Justin Bois, Frank Jülicher, and Stephan Grill
16:30 |
BP 5.6 |
Cell membrane deformation and its role during cytokinesis — •Jochen A. M. Schneider, Andrea M. Pereira, Ewa Paluch, and Guillaume Salbreux
16:45 |
BP 5.7 |
Chromosome oscillations in mammalian cells — •Federica Tavano, Nenad Pavin, and Iva M. Tolic-Norrelykke