17:30 |
BP 8.1 |
Effects of ligand binding on cyclophilin A: experimental and computational studies — •Jack Heal, Stephen Wells, Claudia Blindauer, Rudolf Römer, and Robert Freedman
17:30 |
BP 8.2 |
Peptide interactions with metal surfaces — •Isidro Lorenzo, Hendrik Heinz, and Marialore Sulpizi
17:30 |
BP 8.3 |
Time-Resolved FTIR Difference Spectroscopy of Vibrational Control Experiments on Bacteriorhodopsin — •Christian Bauer, Michael Gensch, and Joachim Heberle
17:30 |
BP 8.4 |
Dual-Color Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy of the macromolecular spliceosomal complex — •Mira Prior, Thomas Ohrt, Julia Dannenberg, Ingo Gregor, Reinhard Lührmann, and Jörg Enderlein
17:30 |
BP 8.5 |
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on Membrane Proteins — •Elmar Hassan Hubrich and Joachim Heberle
17:30 |
BP 8.6 |
Dynamic force spectroscopy on the binding of monoclonal antibodies to tau peptides — •Carolin Wagner, David Singer, Tim Stangner, Christof Gutsche, Ralf Hoffmann, and Friedrich Kremer
17:30 |
BP 8.7 |
Hydrophobin adsorption to the air/water interface: Unusual adsorption kinetics and their origin — •Jonas Raphael Heppe, Sebastian Backes, Hendrik Hähl, and Karin Jacobs
17:30 |
BP 8.8 |
Demonstration of catch bonds between glycosaminoglycan and positively charged hydrophilic domain from the cell surface sulfatase Sulf1 — •A.-K. Möller, A. Harder, F. Milz, P. Neuhaus, V. Walhorn, Th. Dierks, and D. Anselmetti
17:30 |
BP 8.9 |
Investigation of enzyme complex dynamics via atomic force microscopy — •Mitja Platen, Sabin Prajapati, Kathrin Schröder-Tittmann, Kai Tittmann, and Iwan Schaap
17:30 |
BP 8.10 |
Self-diffusion of proteins in solution close to a salt-induced phase transition — •Marco Grimaldo., Vincent Glenisson, Marcus Hennig, Felix Roosen-Runge, Fajun Zhang, Tilo Seydel, and Frank Schreiber
17:30 |
BP 8.11 |
Biophysical Characterization of the Platelet Factor 4-Heparin Complex Responsible for Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia — •Martin Kreimann, Werner Weitschies, Andreas Greinacher, and Mihaela Delcea
17:30 |
BP 8.12 |
The dynamics and flexibility of protein disulphide-isomerase (PDI): simulations predict experimentally-observed domain motions — J Emilio Jimenez-Roldan, Moitrayee Bhattacharyya, Stephen A Wells, •Rudolf A Römer, Saraswathi Vishweshwara, and Robert B Freedman
17:30 |
BP 8.13 |
Proteinfoldingdynamics of hPin1 WW domain studied by single molecule FRET. — •Phillip Kroehn and Jörg Enderlein
17:30 |
BP 8.14 |
Reaction mechanism of the enzyme PHM: quantum tunneling and origin of kinetic isotope effects — •Enrique Abad, Judith Rommel, and Johannes Kästner
17:30 |
BP 8.15 |
Intracellular crowding effects on cellular metabolism — •Florencia Noriega, Márcio Argollo, and Alexei Vázquez
17:30 |
BP 8.16 |
Robust signatures in the current-voltage characteristics of DNA molecules oriented between two graphene nanoribbon electrodes — Carlos J. Paez, Peter A. Schulz, Neil Wilson, and •Rudolf A. Römer
17:30 |
BP 8.17 |
Video-based and interference-free axial force detection and analysis for optical tweezers — •Sebastian Knust, Andre Spiering, Andy Sischka, and Dario Anselmetti
17:30 |
BP 8.18 |
Mechanical properties of sister chromatids studied by a polymer model — •Sebastian Isbaner, Yang Zhang, and Dieter W. Heermann
17:30 |
BP 8.19 |
Computational Analysis of Co-transcriptional Riboswitch Folding — •Benjamin Lutz, Abhinav Verma, and Alexander Schug
17:30 |
BP 8.20 |
Ubiquitin dynamics in complexes investigated using Molecular Dynamics simulations — •Jan Henning Peters and Bert de Groot
17:30 |
BP 8.21 |
Discerning overall and internal motion of flexible molecules — •Florian Sittel and Gerhard Stock
17:30 |
BP 8.22 |
Langevin simulations of proteins using models in generalized coordinates — •Sina Zendehroud, Anne Müller, and Martin E. Garcia
17:30 |
BP 8.23 |
Langevin simulations of conformational changes in proteins under non-equilibrium conditions — •Anne Müller, Bernhard Reuter, and Martin E. Garcia
17:30 |
BP 8.24 |
Adjusting a Langevin model to Molecular Dynamics — •Norbert Schaudinnus, Andrzej Rzepiela, Rainer Hegger, and Gerhard Stock
17:30 |
BP 8.25 |
Thermal, Autonomous Replicator Made from Transfer RNA — Hubert Krammer, •Friederike M. Möller, and Dieter Braun
17:30 |
BP 8.26 |
Analyzing protein folding by high-throughput simulations — •Claude Sinner, Benjamin Lutz, Abhinav Verma, and Alexander Schug
17:30 |
BP 8.27 |
Inhibition of HIV-1 protease: the rigidity perspective — •Jack Heal, Emilio Jimenez-Roldan, Stephen Wells, Robert Freedman, and Rudolph Römer
17:30 |
BP 8.28 |
Distance Dependency And Minimum Amino Acid Alphabets for Decoy Scoring Potentials — •Kay Hamacher
17:30 |
BP 8.29 |
Non-Equilibrium MD simulations of intramolecular signaling in allosteric proteins — •Sebastian Waltz
17:30 |
BP 8.30 |
Pitfalls and artifacts in two-focus fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy — •Andreas Veres and Matthias Weiss