09:30 |
CPP 14.1 |
Protein clustering as a precursor of crystallization — •Fajun Zhang, Andrea Sauter, Marcell Wolf, Felix Roosen-Runge, Michael Sztucki, Roland Roth, and Frank Schreiber
09:45 |
CPP 14.2 |
Structural evolution of a dense liquid phase in protein solutions — •Andrea Sauter, Fajun Zhang, and Frank Schreiber
10:00 |
CPP 14.3 |
Entanglement Related Memory Effect in Primary Nucleation of Polymers — •Chuanfu Luo and Jens-Uwe Sommer
10:15 |
CPP 14.4 |
Effect of the Crystalline αc-Process on the Morphology of Semicrystalline Polymers: a Comparative SAXS- Study on Poly-є-Caprolactone and Polyethyleneoxide — Anne Seidlitz, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, •Ruth Bärenwald, and Kay Saalwächter
10:30 |
CPP 14.5 |
10-nm structure formation induced by crystallization in P3HT/PCBM blends — •Alessandro Sepe, Peter Kohn, Zhuxia Rong, Kai H. Scherer, Michael Sommer, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Richard H. Friend, Ullrich Steiner, and Sven Hüttner
10:45 |
CPP 14.6 |
Heterogeneous Nucleation in Epitaxially Crystallized Polyethylene on Graphite — •Ann-Kristin Löhmann, Thomas Henze, and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
11:00 |
CPP 14.7 |
Real-time GISAXS-study of DIP thin film growth — •Christian Frank, Jiří Novák, Rupak Banerjee, Stefan Kowarik, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
CPP 14.8 |
Melting Temperature and Crystal Growth Rate in Liquid Mixtures — •Konstantin Koschke, Davide Donadio, Hans Jörg Limbach, and Kurt Kremer
11:45 |
CPP 14.9 |
Influence of Organic Ligands on ZnO Nanoparticle Formation via in-situ XRD — •Mirijam Zobel and Reinhard B. Neder
12:00 |
CPP 14.10 |
Real time and in-situ investigations of the nucleation and diffusion during the growth of the fullerene C60 using X-ray scattering — •Sebastian Bommel, Nicola Kleppmann, Christopher Weber, Holger Spranger, Jiri Novak, Peter Schäfer, Stephan V. Roth, Frank Schreiber, Sabine H.L. Klapp, and Stefan Kowarik
12:15 |
CPP 14.11 |
Spin Casting of Dilute Solutions to Control Nucleation and Growth — •Stefan Karpitschka, Constans Weber, and Hans Riegler
12:30 |
CPP 14.12 |
Ripening of ZnO nanoparticles - influence of the stabilizing layer — •Torben Schindler, Martin Schmiele, Thaer Kassar, and Tobias Unruh
12:45 |
CPP 14.13 |
Glass transition and recristallization of alcohols in silica nanochannels — •Daniel Rau, Rolf Pelster, Tommy Hofmann, Dirk Wallacher, and Patrick Huber