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DF: Fachverband Dielektrische Festkörper
DF 1: Nano- and microstructured dielectrics
DF 1.3: Vortrag
Montag, 11. März 2013, 10:10–10:30, H11
Nanosecond laser-induced nano-structuring of fused silica — •Pierre Lorenz, Frank Frost, Martin Ehrhardt, and Klaus Zimmer — Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e. V., Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
The nano structuring of dielectrics is a big challenge for laser patterning methods. The laser-induced front side etching method using in situ pre-structured metal layers (IPSM-LIFE) allows an easy and fast fabrication of nanostructures into dielectric surfaces. At the IPSM - LIFE process, the irradiation of thin chromium film deposited onto a dielectric substrate with low laser fluences results in the formation of complex metal structures by self-assembly processes. Further laser irradiation of these metal structures with higher or equal laser fluences causes the formation of complex patterns at the surface of the dielectric. The patterns observed after irradiation of chromium-covered fused silica with laser pulses (25 ns, 248 nm) were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The resultant dielectric surface structures was studied dependent on the laser parameter (number of laser pulses, laser fluences) and material parameter (metal layer thickness). Different features like concentric ring patterns, donut-like structures as well as bar patterns were observed. Lateral sizes down to 20 nm can be achieved.