DF 9: Glasses and Glass Transition I (joint session with CPP, DY)
Montag, 11. März 2013, 15:00–17:30, H34
15:00 |
DF 9.1 |
Intra- and inter-molecular dynamics in glass-forming liquids — •Periklis Papadopoulos, Wilhelm Kossack, and Friedrich Kremer
15:30 |
DF 9.2 |
In-situ investigation of vapor-deposited thin films of toluene and ethylbenzene by AC chip-nanocalorimetry — •Mathias Ahrenberg, Katie R. Whitaker, Yeong-Zen Chua, Heiko Huth, Mark D. Ediger, and Christoph Schick
15:45 |
DF 9.3 |
Calorimetric glass transition of ultathin films of homopolymers and their blends — •Huajie Yin and Andreas Schönhals
16:00 |
DF 9.4 |
Molecular dynamics of a discotic liquid crystal studied by Dielectric Relaxation and Specific Heat Spectroscopy — •Christina Krause, Huajie Yin, Andreas Wurm, Christoph Schick, and Andreas Schönhals
16:15 |
DF 9.5 |
Liquid to glass transition in a Wigner glass — •Fabian Westermeier, Michael Sprung, and Gerhard Grübel
16:30 |
DF 9.6 |
Temporal evolution of structural and dynamical heterogeneities in a metastable colloidal fluid — •Sebastian Golde, Markus Franke, and Hans Joachim Schöpe
16:45 |
DF 9.7 |
Multiple reentrant glass transitions in confined hard-sphere glasses — •Suvendu Mandal, Simon Lang, Rolf Schilling, Vitalie Botan, Martin Oettel, Dierk Raabe, Thomas Franosch, and Fathollah Varnik
17:00 |
DF 9.8 |
Shear banding in hard sphere glasses — Segun Ayodele, Dierk Raabe, Ingo Steinbach, and •Fathollah Varnik
17:15 |
DF 9.9 |
Re-establishment of the equipartition theorem for small systems in molecular dynamics ensemble — •Nima Hamidi Siboni, Dierk Raabe, and Fathollah Varnik