17:00 |
DS 13.1 |
Characterisation of YSZ thin films deposited by RF sputtering — •Daniel Reppin, Markus Piechotka, Jens Peter Eufinger, Benjamin Pachner, Angelika Polity, Peter J. Klar, Bruno K. Meyer, and Jürgen Janek
17:00 |
DS 13.2 |
Doped TiO2 as alternative transparent conducting oxide — •Daniel Dorow-Gerspach, Philipp Schulte, Patrick Ries, and Matthias Wuttig
17:00 |
DS 13.3 |
Prozess characteristics and film properties upon doping of TiO2 by reactive serial co-sputtering utilizing high power impuls magnetron sputtering — •Rüdiger M. Schmidt, Oliver Lenck, Tomas Kubart, Dominik Wagner, Andreas Pflug, Thomas Nyberg, Sören Berg, and Matthias Wuttig
17:00 |
DS 13.4 |
Influence of doping on the metal-semiconductor transition of VO2 thin films — •Marc K. Dietrich, Angelika Polity, Benedikt Kramm, and Bruno K. Meyer
17:00 |
DS 13.5 |
Optical and magnetotransport properties of ZnO thin films grown by metalorganic aerosol deposition — •Christoph Meyer, Sebastian Hühn, Markus Jungbauer, Markus Michelmann, and Vasily Moshnyaga
17:00 |
DS 13.6 |
Synthesis, microstructure and local electronic conductivity of platinum/titanium oxide contacts — •Marian Bongers, Astrid Pundt und Carsten Nowak
17:00 |
DS 13.7 |
Enhanced wear resistance of a rhodium surface by interstitial alloying with boron — •Frank Müller, Matthias Lessel, Samuel Grandthyll, Karin Jacobs, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl, and Matthias Schreck
17:00 |
DS 13.8 |
Stress induced wrinkling in laser deposited polymer/metal-nanocomposites — •Anja Westphal, Susanne Schlenkrich, Felix Schlenkrich, Stephanie Demuth, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
17:00 |
DS 13.9 |
Preparation of equiatomic FeRh thin film by MBE — •Alireza Heidarian, Kay Potzger, Jürgen Lindner, and Rantej Bali
17:00 |
DS 13.10 |
Semiconducting thin films processed at low temperatures from unstabilized ZnO nanoparticle solutions — •Paul Mundt, Nicole Anderl, and Heinz von Seggern
17:00 |
DS 13.11 |
Epitaxial Fe3O4/NiO bilayers grown on MgO(001) — •Tobias Schemme, Florian Bertram, Karsten Kuepper, and Joachim Wollschlaeger
17:00 |
DS 13.12 |
Thick manganite films grown by MAD — •F. Fischgrabe, E.S. Zhukova, B. Gorshunov, M. Dressel, and V. Moshnyaga
17:00 |
DS 13.13 |
Temperature and time dependent in-situ crystallization of strontium titanate thin films — •Florian Hanzig, Carsten Richter, Juliane Hanzig, Erik Mehner, Hartmut Stöcker, Barbara Abendroth, and Dirk C. Meyer
17:00 |
DS 13.14 |
Bayesian Fitting of Neutron and X-Ray Reflectivity Data — •Jean-Francois Moulin, Martin Haese-Seiller, and Andreas Schreyer
17:00 |
DS 13.15 |
Laser-induced phase transitions in PLD-deposited Ge2Sb2Te5-films using single nanosecond UV-pulses — •Erik Thelander, Hongbing Lu, Ulrich Ross, Jürgen Gerlach, and Bernd Rauschenabch
17:00 |
DS 13.16 |
Microstructural investigation of epitaxial grown GaN thin films using hyperthermal ions — •David Poppitz, Andriy Lotnyk, Jürgen W. Gerlach, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 13.17 |
Quantitative investigation of laser-deposited Ge2Sb2Te5 by abberation corrected STEM/EELS — •Ulrich Roß, Andriy Lotnyk, Erik Thelander, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 13.18 |
Epitaxy of Ultrathin Metal Films for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Plasmonics — •T. Becker, S. Meyer, T. Payer, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen
17:00 |
DS 13.19 |
Formation of ZnO layers by spraying Zn(acac)2 and [Zn(O2C(CH2OCH2)3H)2] precursors from solution — •Iulia G. Toader, Falko Seidel, Philipp Schäfer, Ovidiu D. Gordan, Alexander Jakob, Stefan Möckel, Heinrich Lang, Michael Hietschold, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
17:00 |
DS 13.20 |
Photoemission Analysis of PLD grown Oxide Heterointerfaces — •Uwe Treske, Andreas Koitzsch, Martin Knupfer, and Bernd Büchner
17:00 |
DS 13.21 |
Direct observation of deuterium-dead layer in Fe/V multilayers by atom probe tomography — •Ryota Gemma, Talaat Al-Kassab, Reiner Kirchheim, and Astrid Pundt
17:00 |
DS 13.22 |
Construction of a multichromatic dual-beam magnetometer using a triaxial magnetic field based on the magnetooptic Kerr effect — •Gerhard Götz, Timo Kuschel, and Günter Reiss