DS 14: Focus Session: Functionalized Semiconductor Nanowires I (jointly with HL)
Dienstag, 12. März 2013, 09:30–12:45, H8
09:30 |
DS 14.1 |
Nanowire photovoltaics with absorption beyond the ray optics limit. — •Magnus T Borgström
10:00 |
DS 14.2 |
Crystal structure control in nanowires — •Erik Bakkers
10:30 |
DS 14.3 |
Topical Talk:
Spectral and spatial overlap of oxide quantum wells and whispering gallery modes — •Marius Grundmann
11:00 |
Coffee break (15 min)
11:15 |
DS 14.4 |
Topical Talk:
Semiconducting Nanowire Heterostructures on Silicon - From Growth to Devices — Heinz Schmid, Kirsten Moselund, Cedric Bessire, Pratyush Das Kanungo, Philipp Mensch, Siegfried Karg, Mattias Borg, Volker Schmidt, and •Heike Riel
11:45 |
DS 14.5 |
Topical Talk:
III-nitride nanowires: From growth phenomena to light-emitting diodes — •Raffaella Calarco
12:15 |
DS 14.6 |
Topical Talk:
3D GaN nanorods: fabrication, properties, applications — •Andreas Waag, Johannes Ledig, Xue Wang, Milena Erenburg, Jana Hartmann, Lorenzo Caccamo, Matin Mohajerani, Manal Ali Deeb, Jiandong Wei, Martin Hoffmann, Hao Shen, and Hergo-Heinrich Wehmann