DS 16: Organic Thin Films I
Dienstag, 12. März 2013, 14:45–16:15, H32
14:45 |
DS 16.1 |
Finite size effects in the excitonic line-shape of 2D ordered molecular aggregates — •Alexander Eisfeld, Mathias Müller, and Moritz Sokolowski
15:00 |
DS 16.2 |
Electronic and Geometric Structure of PTCDI-C13 Molecules on SAM Modified Noble Metal Surfaces — •Daniel Gebauer, Philip Schulz, Tobias Schäfer, Domink Meyer, Ingolf Segger, Carolin Jacobi, Christian Effertz, and Matthias Wuttig
15:15 |
DS 16.3 |
Spectroscopy on N-Type Doped Manganese Phthalocyanine — •Michael Ludemann, Francisc Haidu, Philipp Schäfer, Benjamin Mahns, Daniel Lehmann, Ovidiu D. Gordan, Jens Kortus, Martin Knupfer, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
15:30 |
DS 16.4 |
Changes in glassy polymers induced by light — •Ioan Botiz, Paul Freyberg, Natalie Stingelin, Arnold Chang-Mou Yang, and Günter Reiter
15:45 |
DS 16.5 |
Encapsulated metal nanoparticles for absorption enhancement of thin film organic photovoltaic cells — •Verena Kolb, Andreas Steindamm, Michael Brendel, Martin Kamp, and Jens Pflaum
16:00 |
DS 16.6 |
Effect of fluorination: Optical properties of Rubrene in films and solution — •Falk Anger, Reinhard Scholz, Evelyn Adamski, Katharina Broch, Alexander Gerlach, Yoichi Sakamoto, Toshiyasu Suzuki, and Frank Schreiber