14:45 |
DS 23.1 |
Oxygen vacancy doping of TiO2 — •Simon Moser, Luca Moreschini, Jacim Jacimovic, Osor Barisic, Helmuth Berger, Arnaud Magrez, Young Jun Chang, Keun Su Kim, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Laszlo Forro, and Marco Grioni
15:00 |
DS 23.2 |
Work function determination of degenerately Al-doped ZnO by thermionic emission — •Christian Wilde, Bernd Schmidt, Mykola Vinnichenko, and Sibylle Gemming
15:15 |
DS 23.3 |
Laser Based Shunt Removal of Silicon and Chalcopyrite based Thin Film Solar Cells — •Christof Schultz, Manuel Schüle, Sven Kühnapfel, Kamil Stelmaszczyk, Moshe Weizman, Holger Rhein, Björn Rau, Rutger Schlatmann, Volker Quaschning, Bert Stegemann, and Frank Fink
15:30 |
DS 23.4 |
First-principles electronic structure of β-FeSi2 and FeS2 surfaces — •Pengxiang Xu, Timo Schena, Stefan Blügel, and Gustav Bihlmayer
15:45 |
DS 23.5 |
Oxide Heterostructures for Efficient Solar Cells — •Elias Assmann, Peter Blaha, Karsten Held, Satoshi Okamoto, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
16:00 |
DS 23.6 |
New insights into the mechanisms of photodegradation / stabilization of P3HT:PCBM active layers using poly(3-hexyl-d13-thiophene) — •Aurélien Tournebize, Pierre-Olivier Bussière, Pascal Wong-Wah-Chung, Agnès Rivaton, Jean-Luc Gardette, Kion Norrman, Frederik C. Krebs, Hussein Medlej, Roger C. Hiorns, and Christine Dagron-Lartigau
16:15 |
DS 23.7 |
Electrodeposition of aromatic compounds on silicon and subsequent cross linking - first steps towards a novel bottom-up synthesis of graphene — •Janek Zeuschner, Gerald V. Troppenz, Jörg Rappich, and Norbert H. Nickel
16:30 |
Coffee break (15 min)
16:45 |
DS 23.8 |
Diffusion of copper in In2S3 layers prepared by ion layer gas reaction method — •Albert Juma, Rodrigo Sáez-Araoz, Christian-Herbert Fischer, and Thomas Dittrich
17:00 |
DS 23.9 |
The contribution has been moved to DS 32.63.
17:15 |
DS 23.10 |
Device analysis of CIGSe superstrate solar cells — •Marc D. Heinemann, Christian A. Kaufmann, Britta Höpfner, Thomas Unold, and Hans-Werner Schock
17:30 |
DS 23.11 |
Laser Patterning of CIGS absorber layers with short nanosecond laser pulses — •Manuel Schüle, Christof Schultz, Kamil Stelmaszczyk, Moshe Weizman, Holger Rhein, Björn Rau, Rutger Schlatmann, Volker Quaschning, Bert Stegemann, and Frank Fink
17:45 |
DS 23.12 |
Stöchiometrieabhängigkeit des Ladungsträgertransports in CZTS-Solarzellen — •Justus Just, Melanie Nichterwitz, Steffen Kretzschmar, Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht, Ronald Frahm und Thomas Unold
18:00 |
DS 23.13 |
Photoluminescence and Raman scattering in wurtzite Cu2ZnSn(S1-x,Sex)4 nanocrystals — •Sergej Levcenko, Thomas Unold, Ajay Singh, Shalini Singh, and Kevin M Ryan