14:45 |
DS 24.1 |
Investigations on novel thermoelectric materials using a high temperature Hall-measurement-setup — •Hans-Fridtjof Pernau, Markus Bartel, Frank Menzel, Alexandre Jacquot, Martin Jägle, and Kilian Bartholome
15:00 |
DS 24.2 |
Thermoelectric properties of laser-assisted wet-chemically doped group-IV nanoparticles — •Benedikt Stoib, Anton Greppmair, Tim Langmann, Nils Petermann, Hartmut Wiggers, Martin Stutzmann, and Martin S. Brandt
15:15 |
DS 24.3 |
Nanoscale Heat Transport from Self-Organised Ge Hut and Dome Clusters into Si(001) — •Tim Frigge, Boris Krenzer, Verena Tinnemann, Annika Kalus, Friedrich Klasing, Anja Hanisch-Blicharski, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
15:30 |
DS 24.4 |
Thermal conductivity of SiGe-based nanostructures — •Katrin Bertram, Bodo Fuhrmann, Nadine Geyer, Alexander Tonkikh, Nicole Wollschläger, Peter Werner, and Hartmut S. Leipner
15:45 |
DS 24.5 |
Thermoelctrical Measurements on Single Bi2Te3 Nanowires — •Danny Kojda, Rüdiger Mitdank, Zhi Wang, Michael Kröner, Peter Woias, William Töllner, Kornelius Nielsch, and Saskia F. Fischer
16:00 |
DS 24.6 |
Reduced thermal conductivity in Half Heusler superlattices — •Tino Jaeger, Christoph Euler, Christian Mix, Michael Schwall, Benjamin Balke, Sascha Populoh, Anke Weidenkaff, Claudia Felser, and Gerhard Jakob
16:15 |
DS 24.7 |
Growth and characterization of the low-temperature properties of MoSi2 thin films — •Mehrdad Baghaie Yazdi, Maximilian Fries, and Lambert Alff
16:30 |
DS 24.8 |
Acoustic phonon propagation in cobalt antimony skutterudites — •Chuan He, Martin Großmann, Martin Schubert, Marcus Daniel, Manfred Albrecht, and Thomas Dekorsy
16:45 |
DS 24.9 |
The ineffectiveness of energy filtering at grain boundaries for thermoelectric materials — •Michael Bachmann, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heilger