Regensburg 2013 – scientific programme
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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten
DS 28: Layer Properties: Electrical, Optical, and Mechanical Properties
DS 28.3: Talk
Thursday, March 14, 2013, 10:00–10:15, H8
Superconductivity in the turbostratically disordered misfit layered compounds [(PbSe)1.10]m(NbSe2)n — •Corinna Grosse1, Zachary Jones2, Olivio Chiatti1, Matti Alemayehu2, David C. Johnson2, and Saskia F. Fischer1 — 1Novel Materials, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10099 Berlin, Germany — 2Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97401-3753, USA
The turbostratically disordered [(PbSe)1.10]m(NbSe2)n misfit layered compounds, so called ferecrystals, are novel materials composed of alternatingly stacked superconductors and normal conductors. They allow us to study the effects of turbostratic disorder, layer thickness and stacking sequence on the electrical properties. Oosawa et al. [1] have observed superconductivity in [(PbSe)1.10]m(NbSe2)n misfit layered compounds without turbostratically disordered structure. We carried out temperature-dependent in-plane resistivity measurements down to 300 mK on [(PbSe)1.10]m(NbSe2)n ferecrystals as well as angle-dependent magnetotransport measurements and compare the results to the measurements in [1]. We observed resistive transitions to the superconducting state with critical temperatures below those reported in [1]. Critical currents were measured as a function of temperature for samples with different (m,n) values. Angle-dependent magnetoresistance measurements below Tc show that the in-plane resistance is anisotropic with regard to the direction of the external magnetic field. [1] Y. Oosawa et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 31 (1992), L1096-L1099.