09:30 |
DS 35.1 |
Aperiodic multilayer mirrors for attosecond water window pulses — •Alexander Guggenmos, Roman Rauhut, Michael Hofstetter, Samira Hertrich, Bert Nickel, Eric M. Gullikson, Ferenc Krausz, and Ulf Kleineberg
09:45 |
DS 35.2 |
Hard x-ray focusing below 10 nm by multilayer zone plates fabricated by the combination of pulsed laser deposition and focused ion beam — •Florian Döring, Christian Eberl, Tobias Liese, Felix Schlenkrich, Volker Radisch, Hans-Ulrich Krebs, Anna-Lena Robisch, Markus Osterhoff, Sarah Hoffmann, Matthias Bartels, and Tim Salditt
10:00 |
DS 35.3 |
Interface investigation of ion-beam deposited Chromium/ Scandium multilayer mirrors — •Roman Rauhut, Alexander Guggenmos, Samira Hertrich, Bert Nickel, Sriram Venkatesan, Christina Scheu, Eric M. Gullikson, Ferenc Krausz, and Ulf Kleineberg
10:15 |
DS 35.4 |
Temperature and bias voltage induced electron tunneling through ultrathin TaOx barriers. — •Ievgen Nedrygailov, Katrin Asteman, Eckart Hasselbrink, and Detlef Diesing
10:30 |
DS 35.5 |
Effect of composition and strain on conductivity of LaNiO3 thin films — Mingwei Zhu, •Philipp Komissinskiy, Aldin Radetinac, Mehran Vafaee, and Lambert Alff
10:45 |
DS 35.6 |
Growth of highly conductive SrMoO3 as lattice matched oxide electrode material for (Ba,Sr)TiO3 based thin film heterostructures — •Aldin Radetinac, Jürgen Ziegler, Mehran Vafaee, Philipp Komissinskiy und Lambert Alff
11:00 |
DS 35.7 |
Chemical purity in high performance solution processed zinc oxide TFTs — •Marlis Ortel, Torsten Balster, and Veit Wagner
11:15 |
DS 35.8 |
Retention of Ferroelectric VDF-TrFE Copolymer Thin Films Characterized by Nondestructive Polarization Readout — •Danny von Nordheim, Sebastian Koch, Soichiro Okamura, and Bernd Ploss
11:30 |
DS 35.9 |
The Co2p spin and oxidation state in Co-PI catalysts — •Matthias Richter and Dieter Schmeißer
11:45 |
DS 35.10 |
Epitaxial Ag: Opening Doors to New Opportunities in Plasmonics — •Charlotte E. Sanders, Bo-Hong Li, Chih-Kang Shih, and Xianggang Qiu