Regensburg 2013 – scientific programme
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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten
DS 5: Charge Transfer Effects in Molecular Materials I (jointly with BP, CPP, HL)
DS 5.5: Talk
Monday, March 11, 2013, 13:15–13:30, H1
Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy on FIB-milled Cross Sections of Organic Solar Cells — •Rebecca Saive1,2,3, Christian Müller1,2,3, Michael Scherer1,2,3, Dominik Daume1,2,3, Michael Kröger1,3, and Wolfgang Kowalsky1,2,3 — 1InnovationLab GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany — 2Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, University Heidelberg, Germany — 3Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Scanning Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM) is a promising tool to analyze charge carrier transport paths in electronic devices. Conventional SKPM is limited to analysis of charge transport parallel to the device surface, e.g. within planar field-effect transistors, whereas the transport in vertical devices e.g. bulk heterojunction solar cells is not accessible to further characterization. Therefore we introduce a method to directly measure at the cross sections of organic devices by milling with a focused ion beam (FIB) and adjacent SKPM characterization. By this method we can reveal a spatially resolved potential distribution and therefore indentify charge injection and charge transport barriers. In this work, we could correlate microscopic measurement results like the work function difference between the contact materials to macroscopic device characteristics received by J-V measurements and impedance spectroscopy.