HL 35: Graphene: Transport (TT, jointly with HL, MA, O)
Dienstag, 12. März 2013, 09:30–12:45, H17
09:30 |
HL 35.1 |
Transport properties of high-quality reduced graphene oxide — •Michael Enzelberger, Siegfried Eigler, Philipp Hofmann, Stefan Grimm, Andreas Hirsch, and Paul Müller
09:45 |
HL 35.2 |
Magnetoresistance of Nanocrystalline Graphene — Daniel Steininger, •Paul Linsmaier, Ina Schneider, Christoph Strunk, Matthias Büenfeld, Nils-Eike Weber, Andrey Turchanin, Miriam Grothe, and Thomas Weimann
10:00 |
HL 35.3 |
Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Edge-State Magnetism on Chiral Graphene Nanoribbons — •Michael Golor, Thomas C. Lang, and Stefan Weßel
10:15 |
HL 35.4 |
Coulomb drag in bilayer graphene — •Jonathan Lux
10:30 |
HL 35.5 |
Efficient quantum transport simulation for bulk graphene heterojunctions: Klein backscattering revisited — •Ming-Hao Liu and Klaus Richter
10:45 |
HL 35.6 |
Combined effect of vacancies and strain on the conductance of graphene nanoribbons — •Thomas Lehmann, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
HL 35.7 |
Spin conductance of diffusive graphene nanoribbons — •Jan Bundesmann, Ming-Hao Liu, Inanc Adagideli, and Klaus Richter
11:30 |
HL 35.8 |
Superlattice Effects on Electronic- and Transport Properties of Nanomaterials — •Fedor Tkatschenko, Viktor Krueckl, and Klaus Richter
11:45 |
HL 35.9 |
Hot Spots and Boundary Conditions in the Quantum Hall Effect — •Tobias Kramer
12:00 |
HL 35.10 |
Current resonances in graphene with time dependent potential barriers — Sergey E. Savel’ev, •Wolfgang Häusler, and Peter Hänggi
12:15 |
HL 35.11 |
Mie scattering analogon in graphene: particle confinement, scattering resonances, and Fano effect — •Rafael Leslie Heinisch, Christian Schulz, Franz Xaver Bronold, and Holger Fehske
12:30 |
HL 35.12 |
Mechanical strain on graphene nanoribbons in contact with metal electrodes — •Arezoo Dianat, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti