09:30 |
HL 4.1 |
Modulating plasmons in two-dimensional hole gas systems by spin-orbit interactions — •Andreas Scholz, Tobias Dollinger, Paul Wenk, Klaus Richter, and John Schliemann
09:45 |
HL 4.2 |
Spin dynamics in high-mobility (110) GaAs-based quantum wells — •Roland Völkl, Tobias Korn, Markus Schwemmer, Michael Griesbeck, Sergey Tarasenko, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, and Christian Schüller
10:00 |
HL 4.3 |
Coherence measurements of dipolar, indirect excitons — J. Repp, •S. Dietl, G.J. Schinner, E. Schubert, A.K. Rai, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, A.O. Govorov, A. Högele, J.P. Kotthaus, and A.W. Holleitner
10:15 |
HL 4.4 |
MOVPE-growth and characterisation of GaPN/Si(100) for photoelectrolysis — •Helena Stange, Oliver Supplie, Matthias M. May, Christian Höhn, Wolf-Dietrich Zabka, Christian Koppka, Katja Tonisch, Henning Döscher, and Thomas Hannappel
10:30 |
HL 4.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
10:45 |
HL 4.6 |
Temperature-dependent external quantum efficiency of Ga(NAsP) quantum wells — •Robin Döring, Nils Rosemann, Bernardette Kunert, Wolfgang Stolz, Kerstin Volz, and Sangam Chatterjee
11:00 |
Coffee break
11:15 |
HL 4.7 |
Bandgap modification of GaP and GaAs achieved by N-implantation and ultra-short thermal treatment — •Kun Gao, Slawomir Prucnal, Wolfgang Skorupa, Manfred Helm, and Shengqiang Zhou
11:30 |
HL 4.8 |
Indirect Excitons transport and manipulation in Double Quantum Wells — •Adriano Violante, Snežana Lazić, Klaus Biermann, Rudolph Hey, Paulo Santos, Kobi Kohen, and Ronen Rapaport
11:45 |
HL 4.9 |
Interaction of potassium with InN(0001)-(2×2)-surfaces — •Stephanie Reiß, Anja Eisenhardt, Stefan Krischok, and Marcel Himmerlich
12:00 |
HL 4.10 |
Influence of adsorbates on the surface electronic properties of polar InN — •Anja Eisenhardt, Stephanie Reiß, Stefan Krischok, and Marcel Himmerlich
12:15 |
HL 4.11 |
Si–doping of AlGaN with high aluminum mole fractions by MOVPE — •F. Mehnke, T. Wernicke, C. Kuhn, C. Reich, J. Stellmach, F. Brunner, V. Kueller, A. Knauer, M. Weyers, and M. Kneissl