16:00 |
HL 91.1 |
Fabrication and characterization of site-controlled quantum dots grown on pre-patterned GaAs substrates — •Patrick Krawiec, Muhammad Usman, Mohamed Benyoucef, and Johann Peter Reithmaier
16:00 |
HL 91.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:00 |
HL 91.3 |
Growth of GaAs nanowires on GaAs (111)B substrates induced by focused ion beam — •Rüdiger Schott, Dirk Reuter, Arne Ludwig, and Andreas D. Wieck
16:00 |
HL 91.4 |
Correlation of electrical and structural parameters of single GaAs nanowires grown by MBE onto silicon substrate — •Genziana Bussone, Heiko Schäfer-Eberwein, Emmanouil Dimakis, Andreas Biermanns, Lutz Geelhaar, Peter Haring-Bolívar, and Ullrich Pietsch
16:00 |
HL 91.5 |
Structural and electronic and optical properties of SixGe1−x alloy nanocrystals embedded in SiO2: First-principles calculations — •Kaori Seino, Peter Kroll, Moritz Laubscher, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
16:00 |
HL 91.6 |
Growth of InAs/InGaAs nanowires on GaAs(111)B substrates — •Sven Scholz, Rüdiger Schott, Dirk Reuter, Arne Ludwig, and Andreas D. Wieck
16:00 |
HL 91.7 |
Compressive strain in MBE grown GaAs nanowires induced by an Al2O3 shell prepared by atomic layer deposition — •Torsten Jörres, Torsten Rieger, Andreas Biermanns, Ullrich Pietsch, Detlev Grützmacher, and Mihail Ion Lepsa
16:00 |
HL 91.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:00 |
HL 91.9 |
Radical formation by photo-generated carriers at GaN nanowires - electrolyte interfaces — •Jan Martin Philipps, Gesche Mareike Müntze, Pascal Hille, Jörg Schörmann, Jörg Teubert, Detlev Michael Hofmann, and Martin Eickhoff
16:00 |
HL 91.10 |
Raman characterization of electrically biased polymer quantum dot composites — •Prahlad M Mohandas, Daniel Lehmann, Ovidiu D Gordan, Istvan S Todor, Christian Spudat, Jörg Martin, Michael Thomas Müller, Thomas Geßner, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
16:00 |
HL 91.11 |
Study of excitonic states in single InAs quantum dots by low-temperature SNOM — •Alexander Senichev, Vadim Talalaev, Jörg Schilling, George Cirlin, and Peter Werner
16:00 |
HL 91.12 |
Temperature dependence of hole spin coherence measured by spin echo andspin mode locking in an ensemble of (In,Ga)As quantum dots — •Steffen Varwig, Alexandre René, Alex Greilich, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, and Manfred Bayer
16:00 |
HL 91.13 |
Shape dependence of excitonic states in self-assembled GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots — •Andreas Graf, David Sonnenberg, Andrei Schliwa, Christian Heyn, and Wolfgang Hansen
16:00 |
HL 91.14 |
Excitons in double quantum dots: Phonon effects and spin-orbit coupling — •Jonas Daniels, Paweł Machnikowski, and Tilmann Kuhn
16:00 |
HL 91.15 |
Impact of longitudinal acoustic phonons on the excitation of quantum dots driven by chirped laser pulses — •Sebastian Lüker, Krzysztof Gawarecki, Martin Glässl, Anna Grodecka-Grad, Doris E. Reiter, Vollrath Martin Axt, Paweł Machnikowski, and Tilmann Kuhn
16:00 |
HL 91.16 |
Carrier multiplication in a multi-level, colloidal quantum dot under the presence of phonons — •Mario Schoth, Franz Schulze, Andreas Knorr, and Marten Richter
16:00 |
HL 91.17 |
Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of colloidal quantum dots and gold nanoparticles with dye molecules — •Robert Malinowski, Uwe Kaiser, Mikko Wilhelm, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Faheem Amin, Dorleta Jimenez de Aberasturi, and Wolfgang Parak
16:00 |
HL 91.18 |
Computational study of CdSe and PbSe quantum dot structures — •Farzana Aslam and Christian von Ferber
16:00 |
HL 91.19 |
Spatial resolved optical pH- and bias response of (In, Ga)N nanowires and quantum dots — •Sabrina Darmawi, Jens Wallys, Pascal Hille, Martin Eickhoff, and Peter J. Klar
16:00 |
HL 91.20 |
Photoluminescence intensity and lifetime of ordered arrays of GaN nanowires with different diameter and pitch — •Christian Hauswald, Oliver Brandt, Timur Flissikowski, Tobias Gotschke, Raffaella Calarco, Lutz Geelhaar, Holger T. Grahn, and Henning Riechert
16:00 |
HL 91.21 |
Optical properties of organically-linked ZnO nanoparticles — •Carsten Kruska, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Christine Chory, Ingo Riedel, and Jürgen Parisi
16:00 |
HL 91.22 |
Group-IV nanocrystals: Spin-orbit coupling and optical properties from first principles — •Sebastian Küfner, Lars Matthes, Jürgen Furthmüller, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
16:00 |
HL 91.23 |
Quantum emitters in whispering gallery mode resonators — •Assegid Flatae, Tobias Grossmann, Torsten Beck, Thomas Laue, Halald Fuchs, and Heinz Kalt
16:00 |
HL 91.24 |
Single-photon time-delayed feedback: a way to stabilize intrinsic quantum cavity electrodynamics — •Franz Schulze, Alexander Carmele, Julia Kabuss, Stephan Reitzenstein, and Andreas Knorr
16:00 |
HL 91.25 |
Thermoelectric Properties of a Strongly Coupled Double Quantum Dot — •Holger Thierschmann, Michael Henke, Johannes Knorr, Wolfgang Hansen, Hartmut Buhmann, and Laurens W. Molenkamp
16:00 |
HL 91.26 |
Time-resolved transconductance spectroscopy: Towards all electrical spectroscopy of a single self-assembled quantum dot — •A. Beckel, D. Zhou, A. Kurzmann, B. Marquardt, A. D. Wieck, D. Reuter, M. Geller, and A. Lorke
16:00 |
HL 91.27 |
Two-path Transport Measurements with Bias Dependence on a Triple Quantum Dot — •Monika Kotzian, Maximilian C. Rogge, and Rolf J. Haug
16:00 |
HL 91.28 |
Magnetic field modulation of RKKY interaction between quantum dots — •Alexander W. Heine, Katharina Janzen, Brendan Coughlan, Daniel Tutuc, Gertrud Zwicknagl, and Rolf J. Haug
16:00 |
HL 91.29 |
Thermal noise measurements of low-dimensional electron gases — •Christian Riha, Philipp Miechowski, Sven S. Buchholz, Olivio Chiatti, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, and Saskia F. Fischer
16:00 |
HL 91.30 |
Study of Phase-Coherent Transport in Differently Doped InAs Nanowires — •Thomas Gerster, Sebastian Heedt, Isabel Wehrmann, Kamil Sladek, Hilde Hardtdegen, Detlev Grützmacher, and Thomas Schäpers
16:00 |
HL 91.31 |
Single-particle-reduced entropy for few-electron states in gated semiconductor nanowires — •Jose Maria Castelo, Klaus Michael Indlekofer, and Joerg Malindretos
16:00 |
HL 91.32 |
Torque magnetometry on doped semiconductor nanowires — •Susanne Goerke, Florian Herzog, Marc Wilde, Eleonora Russo-Averchi, Anna Dalmau-Mallerqui, Daniel Rüffer, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, and Dirk Grundler