KR 5: Poster - Crystallography
Mittwoch, 13. März 2013, 15:00–17:30, Poster B2
15:00 |
KR 5.1 |
Determination and correction of distortions and systematic errors in low-energy electron diffraction — •Falko Sojka, Matthias Meissner, Christian Zwick, Roman Forker, Claudius Klein, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, and Torsten Fritz
15:00 |
KR 5.2 |
Digital electron diffraction: a new approach for determining crystal symmetry at the nanometre scale — Richard Beanland, Paul J Thomas, David I Woodward, Pam A Thomas, and •Rudolf A Römer
15:00 |
KR 5.3 |
Structure, mechanical, and tribological properties of C:Ni nanocomposite films grown by IBAD — •S. Gemming, M. Krause, T. Kunze, A. Mücklich, M. Fritzsche, R. Wenisch, M. Posselt, A. Schneider, and G. Abrasonis
15:00 |
KR 5.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
KR 5.5 |
BL 10 at DELTA, an interesting new beamline for crystallographers — •Anne Kathrin Hüsecken, Konstantin Istomin, Ralph Wagner, Stefan Balk, Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht, Ronald Frahm, and Ullrich Pietsch
15:00 |
KR 5.6 |
Optical characterization of the protonation and deprotonation of pyroelectric single crystals — •Thomas Köhler, Erik Mehner, Juliane Hanzig, Hartmut Stöcker, and Dirk C. Meyer