So, 16:00–18:00 |
H10 |
MA 1: Tutorial: Spindynamics and Spintransport |
Mo, 09:30–12:00 |
H3 |
MA 2: Multiferroics 1 (jointly wth DF,DS,KR,TT) |
Mo, 15:00–18:30 |
H3 |
MA 3: Multiferroics 2 (jointly wth DF,DS,KR,TT) |
Mo, 09:30–10:45 |
H10 |
MA 4: Topological Insulators 1 (jointly with DS,HL,O,TT) |
Mo, 15:00–18:00 |
H10 |
MA 5: Topological Insulators 2 (jointly with DS,HL,O,TT) |
Mo, 15:00–17:45 |
H20 |
MA 6: Focused Session: Correlations in Topological Bands (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) |
Mo, 09:30–11:15 |
H22 |
MA 7: Magnetic Particles in Biomedical Diagnostics and Therapy (jointly with BP,CPP,ST) |
Mo, 09:30–12:30 |
H23 |
MA 8: Spin Excitations and Spin Torque |
Mo, 15:00–18:45 |
H22 |
MA 9: Spincaloric Transport (jointly with TT) |
Mo, 15:00–17:30 |
H23 |
MA 10: Focus Session: Magnetic Excitations: from surfaces down to adatoms (jointly with O) |
Mo, 12:15–13:55 |
H3 |
MA 11: ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel Dissertationspreis 2013 der AG Magnetismus |
Di, 09:30–12:00 |
H10 |
MA 12: Focus Session: Terahertz Spintronics |
Di, 09:30–12:45 |
H17 |
MA 13: Graphene - Electronic Properties and Transport 2 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) |
Di, 09:30–12:00 |
H23 |
MA 14: Micromagetic Simulation and Electron Theory of Magnetism |
Di, 09:30–12:00 |
H3 |
MA 15: Spintronics and Magnetic Semiconductors (jointly with HL) |
Di, 10:30–13:30 |
Poster D |
MA 16: Poster I |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
H22 |
MA 17: Magnetic Particles and Clusters (jointly with CPP, BP) |
Di, 09:30–13:45 |
H16 |
MA 18: Topological Defects in Magnetic Materials: from Devices to Cosmos
(PhD-Student Symposium jointly with jDPG) |
Di, 10:30–13:15 |
H33 |
MA 19: Surface and Interface Magnetism I (jointly with O) |
Mi, 09:30–13:00 |
H17 |
MA 20: Graphene: Characterization and devices (HL, jointly with DS, MA, O, TT) |
Mi, 09:30–12:00 |
H1 |
MA 21: Thermoelectric and Spincaloric Transport in Nanostructures |
Mi, 09:30–12:45 |
H2 |
MA 22: Transport: Molecular Electronics (jointly with CPP, HL, and MA) |
Mi, 09:30–12:15 |
H23 |
MA 23: Spin Effects in Molecules at Surfaces (jointly with DS,O) |
Mi, 09:30–12:15 |
H22 |
MA 24: Magnetic Imaging and Scattering Techniques |
Mi, 09:30–12:30 |
H10 |
MA 25: Magnetic Heusler Compounds |
Mi, 09:30–12:15 |
H3 |
MA 26: Magnetic Thin Films I of 2 |
Mi, 15:00–17:45 |
H3 |
MA 27: Magnetic Thin Films II of 2 |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
H22 |
MA 28: Magnetic Materials |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
H23 |
MA 29: Micro- and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
H20 |
MA 30: Focused Session: Majorana Fermions in Condensed Matter (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) |
Mi, 15:00–17:30 |
H10 |
MA 31: Focus Session: Magnetic Damping Phenomena in Thin Films and Nanostructures
(jointly with DS) |
Do, 09:30–12:00 |
H10 |
MA 32: Focus Session: Spin Current Devices |
Do, 09:30–12:15 |
H22 |
MA 33: Magnetization Dynamics I of 3 |
Do, 10:30–13:00 |
H33 |
MA 34: Surface and Interface Magnetism II (jointly with O) |
Do, 09:30–11:45 |
H23 |
MA 35: Magnetic Oxides and Shape Memory Alloys (jointly with MM) |
Do, 09:30–11:30 |
H3 |
MA 36: Magnetic Measurement Techniques |
Do, 09:30–13:30 |
H32 |
MA 37: Focus Session: Organic Materials for Spintronics: From Spinterface to Devices (jointly with HL, MA, O) |
Do, 09:30–13:30 |
H18 |
MA 38: Transport: Spintronics, Magnetotransport 1 (jointly with HL&MA) |
Do, 09:30–12:45 |
H20 |
MA 39: Focused Session: Magnetism & Superconductivity in Fe-based Pnictides and Chalcogenides (jointly with MA) |
Do, 15:00–17:15 |
H23 |
MA 40: Molecular Magnetism |
Do, 15:00–18:00 |
H18 |
MA 41: Topological Insulators 4 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) |
Do, 15:00–17:45 |
H20 |
MA 42: Focus Session: Dynamical Mean-Field Approach to Correlated Electron Materials (jointly with MA) |
Do, 15:00–17:45 |
H22 |
MA 43: Magnetization Dynamics II of 3 |
Do, 15:00–18:45 |
H3 |
MA 44: Surface Magnetism (jointly with O) |
Do, 15:00–18:45 |
H10 |
MA 45: Magnetic Coupling and Spin Structures |
Fr, 09:30–13:15 |
H18 |
MA 46: Topological Insulators 5 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O) |
Fr, 09:30–10:30 |
H20 |
MA 47: Transport: Spintronics, Magnetotransport 2 (jointly with HL&MA) |
Fr, 09:30–12:45 |
H23 |
MA 48: Spin-dependent Transport Phenomena |
Fr, 09:30–12:00 |
H22 |
MA 49: Magnetization Dynamics III of 3 |
Fr, 10:30–13:30 |
Poster D |
MA 50: Poster II |