MA 19: Surface and Interface Magnetism I (jointly with O)
Dienstag, 12. März 2013, 10:30–13:15, H33
10:30 |
MA 19.1 |
Magnetism of Fe on Pt(111) Revisited by Inelastic Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy — Tobias Schlenk, Alexander Ako Khajetoorians, •Jens Wiebe, and Roland Wiesendanger
10:45 |
MA 19.2 |
Structure Driven Complex Magnetic Ordering of a CoO Overlayer on Ir(100) — •Florian Mittendorfer, Josef Redinger, Raimund Podloucky, and Michael Weinert
11:00 |
MA 19.3 |
Detecting and Interpreting Spin-Dependent Dissipation Observed with Magnetic Exchange Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy — •Alexander Schwarz, Rene Schmidt, Elena Y. Vedmedenko, and Roland Wiesendanger
11:15 |
MA 19.4 |
Zeeman splitting in superconducting scanning tunneling microscopy tips — •Matthias Eltschka, Berthold Jäck, Maximilian Assig, Markus Etzkorn, Christian R. Ast, and Klaus Kern
11:30 |
MA 19.5 |
Wave function imaging of transition metal impurities near the H/Si(111) surface — •Benjamin Geisler and Peter Kratzer
11:45 |
MA 19.6 |
First-principles investigation of self energies and theoretical magnetic excitation spectra — •Benedikt Schweflinghaus, Manuel Dos Santos Dias, Antonio Costa, and Samir Lounis
12:00 |
MA 19.7 |
Anisotropic charge oscillations induced by non-magnetic impurities on Fe/W(001) — •Mohammed Bouhassoune, Bernd Zimmermann, Phivos Mavropoulos, Daniel Wortmann, Peter H. Dederichs, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
12:15 |
MA 19.8 |
Tunable Kondo resonance of Co atoms on Ag(111) — •maría moro, david serrate, marten piantek, josé ignacio pascual, and manuel ricardo ibarra
12:30 |
MA 19.9 |
Controlling spin stability by a vector magnetic field and atom manipulation — •Deung-Jang Choi, Shichao Yan, and Sebastian Loth
12:45 |
MA 19.10 |
Atomically assembled antiferromagnets — •Sebastian Loth
13:00 |
MA 19.11 |
Epitactical grown Kondo lattices spanning different localization regimes of the Ce 4f electrons — •Holger Schwab, Mattia Mulazzi, and Friedrich Reinert