09:30 |
MA 20.1 |
Polarization dependence of phonon modes in graphene nanoribbons — •Felix Kampmann, Nils Scheuschner, Bernat Terrés, Christoph Stampfer, and Janina Maultzsch
09:45 |
MA 20.2 |
Manifestation of charged and strained graphene layers in the Raman response of graphite intercalation compounds — Julio Chacon-Torres, •Ludger Wirtz, and Thomas Pichler
10:00 |
MA 20.3 |
C–axis transport in graphite and few–layered–graphene — •Ole Pfoch, Yuri Koval, Michael Enzelberger, and Paul Müller
10:15 |
MA 20.4 |
Electronic transport of metallic thin films and islands on graphene with scanning tunneling spectroscopy — •Anne Holtsch, Hussein Shanak, Haibin Gao, and Uwe Hartmann
10:30 |
MA 20.5 |
Fano-Profiles in HOPG and graphene flakes. — •Matthias Städter, Matthias Richter, and Dieter Schmeisser
10:45 |
MA 20.6 |
Multiple Auger Decay at resonant photo-excitation In carbon thin films — •Matthias Richter, Matthias Städter, Ioanna Paloumpa, and Dieter Schmeißer
11:00 |
MA 20.7 |
Characterization of large-scale graphene CVD with far-infrared radiation — •Christian Cervetti, Boris Gorshunov, Elena Zhukova, Martin Dressel, Klaus Kern, Marko Burghard, and Lapo Bogani
11:15 |
Coffee break
11:30 |
MA 20.8 |
Terahertz generation in freely suspended graphene — •Andreas Brenneis, Leonhard Prechtel, Helmut Karl, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, Li Song, Pulickel Ajayan, and Alexander W. Holleitner
11:45 |
MA 20.9 |
Broadband THz detection with graphene flakes — •Martin Mittendorff, Stephan Winnerl, Josef Kamann, Jonathan Eroms, Harald Schneider, and Manfred Helm
12:00 |
MA 20.10 |
Electrostatic force and Raman spectroscopy measurements on graphene replicating water layers on mica — •Vitalij Scenev, Philipp Lange, Nikolai Severin, and Jürgen P. Rabe
12:15 |
MA 20.11 |
Tailoring the graphene/silicon carbide interface for monolithic wafer-scale electronics — •Stefan Hertel, Daniel Waldmann, Johannes Jobst, Andreas Albert, Matthäus Albrecht, Sergey Reshanov, Adolf Schöner, Michael Krieger, and Heiko B. Weber
12:30 |
MA 20.12 |
Electrical interfacing of cells with graphene field effect transistors — •Felix Rolf, Lucas H. Hess, Tobias Schneider, Benno Blaschke, Moritz Hauf, and Jose A. Garrido
12:45 |
MA 20.13 |
Exploring the electronic performance of graphene FETs for bio-sensing — •Lucas Hess, Benno Blaschke, Max Seifert, and Jose Garrido