MA 22: Transport: Molecular Electronics (jointly with CPP, HL, and MA)
Mittwoch, 13. März 2013, 09:30–12:45, H2
09:30 |
MA 22.1 |
Inelastic scattering effects and electronic shot noise — •Amin Karimi, Markus Herz, and Elke Scheer
09:45 |
MA 22.2 |
Electrical Characterization of Single Molecules via MCBJ — •Matthias Wieser, Torsten Sendler, Shou-Peng Liu, Samuel Weisbrod, Zhuo Tang, Andreas Marx, Jannic Wolf, Elke Scheer, Francesca Moresco, Grebing Jochen, and Artur Erbe
10:00 |
MA 22.3 |
Charge transmission through a molecular junction driven by a time–dependent voltage — •Yaroslav Zelinskyy, Yoram Selzer, and Volkhard May
10:15 |
MA 22.4 |
Surface Plasmon Enhanced Electroluminescence of a Molecular Junction — •Yuan Zhang, Yaroslav Zhelinskyy, and Volkhard May
10:30 |
MA 22.5 |
Dynamics of a nano-scale rotor driven by single-electron tunneling — Alexander Croy and •Alexander Eisfeld
10:45 |
MA 22.6 |
First-principles investigation of electron transport through molecular junctions in an STM configuration — •Shigeru Tsukamoto, Vasile Caciuc, Nicolae Atodiresei, and Stefan Blügel
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
MA 22.7 |
STM theory for π-conjugated molecules on thin insulating films — •Benjamin Siegert, Andrea Donarini, Sandra Sobczyk, and Milena Grifoni
11:30 |
MA 22.8 |
Influence of Electronic Properties of Graphene on Current-Voltage Characteristics of Molecule-Graphene Nanojunctions — •Ivan A. Pshenichnyuk, Pedro B. Coto, André Erpenbeck, and Michael Thoss
11:45 |
MA 22.9 |
Electron Transport properties of metallic carbon nanotubes with metal contacts — •Andreas Zienert, Jörg Schuster, and Thomas Gessner
12:00 |
MA 22.10 |
First principles study of charge and heat transport through π-stacked molecules — •Thomas Hellmuth, Marius Bürkle, Fabian Pauly, and Gerd Schön
12:15 |
MA 22.11 |
Spin selective transport in chiral systems — •Rafael Gutierrez, Thomas Brumme, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:30 |
MA 22.12 |
Full ab initio description of strong electronic correlations in molecular devices — •David Jacob