09:30 |
MA 25.1 |
Crystal growth of Co2CrxFe1−xAl Heusler compounds — •Ahmad Omar, Maria Dimitrakopoulou, Christian George Friedrich Blum, Horst Wendrock, Steven Rodan, Silke Hampel, Wolfgang L öser, Bernd B üchner, and Sabine Wurmehl
09:45 |
MA 25.2 |
Electronic structure of Fe2CrSi beyond the generalized gradient approximation — •Markus Meinert
10:00 |
MA 25.3 |
Transport Investigations of Mn3Si — •Frank Steckel, Steven Rodan, Regina Hermann, Christian G.F. Blum, Sabine Wurmehl, Bernd Büchner, and Christian Heß
10:15 |
MA 25.4 |
X-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic circular dichroism studies of L10-Mn-Ga thin films — •Manuel Glas, Daniel Ebke, Christian Sterwerf, Jan Schmalhorst, Catherine Jenkins, Elke Arenholz, and Günter Reiss
10:30 |
MA 25.5 |
Basic investigations of hard magnetic binary Mn(3−x)Ga bulk materials — •Hannes Stummer, Christian Blum, Wolfgang Löser, Sabine Wurmehl, and Bernd Büchner
10:45 |
MA 25.6 |
Electronic properties of Heusler alloys investigated by X-ray magnetic linear dichroism — •Mirko Emmel, Ingo Krug, Daniel Gottlob, Alexey Alfonsov, Sabine Wurmehl, Hans-Joachim Elmers, and Gerhard Jakob
11:00 |
MA 25.7 |
Spin-wave instabilities in a micro-structured Co2Mn0.6Fe0.4Si Heusler waveguide — •Philipp Pirro, Thomas Sebastian, Thomas Brächer, Alexander A. Serga, Takahide Kubota, Hiroshi Naganuma, Mikihiko Oogane, Yasuo Ando, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:15 |
MA 25.8 |
NMR Sheds Light on Structural Evolution upon Annealing and Off-Stoichiometry in Nominal Co2MnSi Thin Films — •Steven Rodan, Alexey Alfonsov, Maria-Eleni Belesi, Filippo Ferraro, Jürgen T. Kohlhepp, Henk J. M. Swagten, Bert Koopmans, Bernd Büchner, and Sabine Wurmehl
11:30 |
MA 25.9 |
Cubic phase in Fe2-based Heusler materials stabilized by disorder. — •Janos Kiss, Stanislav Chadov, Gerhard H. Fecher, Teuta Gasi, Vadim Ksenofontov, Peter Adler, and Claudia Felser
11:45 |
MA 25.10 |
Giant non-collinear magnetism and a spin reorientation in Mn2RhSn Heusler compound. — •Olga Meshcheriakova, Ajaya K. Nayak, Stanislav Chadov, Jürgen Kübler, Teuta Gasi, Vadim Ksenofontov, Walter Schnelle, Alexander Tsirlin, and Claudia Felser
12:00 |
MA 25.11 |
Different stacking of square layers in tetragonal Heusler compounds (Mn3X, X=Ga, Ge, Sn) with perpendicular magnetization — •S.-C. Wu, G. H. Fecher, and C. Felser
12:15 |
MA 25.12 |
Magnetic properties of Heusler nanocrystals inside carbon nanotubes — •Markus Gellesch, Maria Dimitrakopoulou, Maik Scholz, Sabine Wurmehl, Silke Hampel, and Bernd Büchner