15:00 |
MA 29.1 |
On the correlation between material morphology, cation distribution and magnetic properties in nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 — •Christian Reitz, Christian Suchomski, and Torsten Brezesinski
15:15 |
MA 29.2 |
Preparation and investigation of individual MnAs nanoclusters and nanocluster arrangements — •Martin Fischer, Matthias T. Elm, Shinjiro Hara, Christian Heiliger, and Peter J. Klar
15:30 |
MA 29.3 |
Magneto-plasmonic properties of Ni anti-dot nano-arrays in the presence of an external magnetic-field — •Evangelos Papaioannou, Burkard Hillebrands, Vassilios Kapaklis, Emil Melander, Erik Östman, and Björgvin Hjörvarsson
15:45 |
MA 29.4 |
Nanopatterning of linear GMR spin valves by FIB milling — •Benjamin Riedmüller, Felix Huber, and Ulrich Herr
16:00 |
MA 29.5 |
Magnetic domain walls in patterned exchange bias domains — •Alexander Gaul, Alla Albrecht, Hans Peter Oepen, Sebastian Hankemeier, and Arno Ehresmann
16:15 |
MA 29.6 |
Propagation of magnonic spin-wave modes in CoFeB waveguide — •Maria Mansurova, Benjamin Lenk, Stephan Shishkin, and Markus Münzenberg
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
MA 29.7 |
Simultaneous measurement of AMR and observation of magnetic domains — Julia Osten, •Manuel Langer, Kilian Lenz, Jürgen Lindner, and Jürgen Fassbender
17:00 |
MA 29.8 |
Studying the magnetization reversal of a permalloy antidot array by magnetic force microscopy — •Steffen Nothelfer, Felix Haering, Ulf Wiedwald, Berndt Koslowski, and Paul Ziemann
17:15 |
MA 29.9 |
Magnetic stray field landscape design due to tailored magnetic domain wall charges between in-plane magnetic domain configurations — •Dennis Holzinger, Norbert Zingsem, Iris Koch, Alexander Gaul, Christoph Schmidt, and Arno Ehresmann
17:30 |
MA 29.10 |
How to make La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanostructures without losing the magnetization — •Martin Wahler, Bastian Büttner, Hans-Helmuth Blaschek, Nico Homonnay, Olga Wid, and Georg Schmidt
17:45 |
MA 29.11 |
Fabrication of high-density magnetic storage elements bylow-dose ion beam irradiation — •Roland Neb, Thomas Sebastian, Philipp Pirro, Stefan Pofahl, Rudolf Schaefer, Bernhard Reuscher, and Burkard Hillebrands