09:30 |
MA 35.1 |
Magnetoelastic coupling and the formation of adaptive martensite in magnetic shape-memory alloys — •Markus Ernst Gruner and Peter Entel
09:45 |
MA 35.2 |
First order ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition in the Heusler compounds Fe2MnGa and Mn2PtGa — •A. K. Nayak, C. Shekhar, T. Gasi, M. Nicklas, and C. Felser
10:00 |
MA 35.3 |
Unusual magnetic anisotropy of the ferromagnetic shape-memory alloy Ni50Fe23Ga27 — •Jin-Feng Qian, Wen-Hong Wang, Guang-Heng Wu, and Claudia Felser
10:15 |
MA 35.4 |
Magnetic dichroism in angular resolved hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy from buried magnetic layers. — •Carlos Eduardo Viol Barbosa, Siham Ouardi, Daniel Ebke, Gerhard H. Fecher, and Claudia Felser
10:30 |
MA 35.5 |
Impact of oxygen vacancies on the magnetic properties of SrCoO3−δ — •Martin Hoffmann, Vladislav S. Borisov, Igor V. Maznichenko, Sergey Ostanin, Ingrid Mertig, Wolfram Hergert, and Arthur Ernst
10:45 |
MA 35.6 |
Designing magnetic functionality in spin filter oxides on silicon — •Christian Caspers, Sebastian Flade, Mihaela Gorgoi, Andrei Gloskovski, Wolfgang Drube, Claus M. Schneider, and Martina Müller
11:00 |
MA 35.7 |
XAS Studies on All-Oxide Ferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Heterosystems: SrTiO3(001)/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/BaTiO3 — •Hatice Doganay, Ingo Krug, Jürgen Schubert, Daniel Gottlob, Florian Nickel, Stefan Cramm, and Claus M. Schneider
11:15 |
MA 35.8 |
Interface reaction in LSMO-metal hybrid structures — •Nico Homonnay, Christian Eisenschmidt, Martin Wahler, Jo Verbeeck, Gustav Van Tendeloo, and Georg Schmidt
11:30 |
MA 35.9 |
Photoinduced changes of the first and third harmonic voltage at the metal insulator transition — •Christin Kalkert, Marvin Walter, Jakob Walowski, Manuel Mchalwat, Vasily Moshnyaga, Bernd Damaschke, Markus Münzenberg, and Konrad Samwer