09:30 |
MA 36.1 |
Towards single Nanoparticle detection: Element Specific Ferromagnetic Resonance - Microresonators in ScanningTransmission X-ray Microscopy — •Katharina Ollefs
10:00 |
MA 36.2 |
Characterization of graphene micro Hall-Probe magnetometers — •Philipp Weber, Wolfgang Kroener, Michael Enzelberger, Klaus Gieb, and Paul Müller
10:15 |
MA 36.3 |
Multi-Segmented Delayline Detector: A new Data Acquisition Strategy for FEL and Other Timing Experiments — •P. Luschchyk, A. Oelsner, D. Kutnyakhov, A. Fognini, Y. Acremann, A. Vaterlaus, V. Rybnikov, and G. Schönhense
10:30 |
MA 36.4 |
Magneto-optical response of embedded permalloy thin film structures on Si and ZnO substrates investigated by vector-magneto-optical generalized ellipsometry — •Rajkumar Patra, Santanu Ghosh, Nan Du, Danilo Bürger, Ilona Skorupa, Roland Mattheis, Jeff McCord, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Heidemarie Schmidt
10:45 |
MA 36.5 |
The role of space charge in spin resolved photoemission experiments — •Gerard Salvatella, Andreas Fognini, Florian Sorgenfrei, Martina Dell'Angela, Martin Beye, Florian Hieke, Andrea Eschenlohr, Sanne de Jong, Roopali Kukreja, Natalia Gerasimova, Joerg Raabe, Christian Stamm, Urs Ramsperger, Hermann Dürr, Joachim Stöhr, Alexander Föhlisch, Wilfried Wurth, Andreas Vaterlaus, Thomas Michlmayr, and Yves Acremann
11:00 |
MA 36.6 |
Resonant magnetic scattering at magnetic domains in Co/Pt multilayers using laser-generated XUV light — •Christian Weier, Roman Adam, Dennis Rudolf, Patrik Grychtol, André Kobs, Gerrit Winkler, Robert Frömter, Hans Peter Oepen, Margaret M. Murnane, Henry C. Kapteyn, and Claus M. Schneider
11:15 |
MA 36.7 |
Quantitative magnetic force microscopy with out-of-plane and in-plane sensitivity — •Christopher Friedrich Reiche, Thomas Mühl, Silvia Vock, Volker Neu, Albrecht Leonhardt, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Büchner