15:00 |
MA 40.1 |
Single molecule magnets from magnetic building blocks — •Wolfgang Kroener, Alexa Paretzki, Christian Cervetti, Stephan Hohloch, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern, Martin Dressel, Lapo Bogani, and Paul Müller
15:15 |
MA 40.2 |
Substrate Dependent Thermal Deposition of NdPc2 Single Molecules — •Sarah Fahrendorf, Frank Matthes, Claire Besson, Paul Kögerler, Daniel E. Bürgler, and Claus M. Schneider
15:30 |
MA 40.3 |
Exchange-based and single-ion based relaxation of the magnetization in Ni2Dy — •Alexander Sundt, Amin Khan, Pascal Wendler, Yanhua Lan, Annie K. Powell, and Oliver Waldmann
15:45 |
MA 40.4 |
The role of dysprosium in single-molecule magnets based on mixed metal nitride cluster fullerenes — •Rasmus Westerström, Jan Dreiser, Cinthia Piamonteze, Roland Stania, Fumihiko Matsui, Stephen Weyeneth, Veacheslav Vieru, Liviu Ungur, Liviu Chibotaru, Stefano Rusponi, Harald Brune, Shangfeng Yang, Alexey Popov, Matthias Muntwiler, Lothar Dunsch, and Thomas Greber
16:00 |
15 min. break
16:15 |
MA 40.5 |
Large-scale numerical investigations of the antifderromagnetic Heisenberg icosidodecahedron — Jörg Ummethum, Andreas Läuchli, and •Jürgen Schnack
16:30 |
MA 40.6 |
Unconventional Magnetic Properties of the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on Two Linked Dodecahedra — •Nikolaos P. Konstantinidis
16:45 |
MA 40.7 |
Huge magnetically coupled orbital moments of Co porphyrin molecules and their control by CO adsorption — •Christian F. Hermanns, Kartick Tarafder, Matthias Bernien, Alex Krüger, Waldemar Walter, Yin-Ming Chang, Eugen Weschke, Peter M. Oppeneer, and Wolfgang Kuch
17:00 |
MA 40.8 |
Quenching the quantum tunneling of magnetization in Mn6Cr single-molecule magnets — •Klaus Gieb, Veronika Hoeke, Wolfgang Kroener, Thorsten Glaser, and Paul Müller