MA 41: Topological Insulators 4 (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and O)
Donnerstag, 14. März 2013, 15:00–18:00, H18
15:00 |
MA 41.1 |
Topical Talk:
Correlation Effects in Quantum Spin Hall Insulators — •Martin Hohenadler
15:30 |
MA 41.2 |
All in-ultra-high-vacuum study of thin film topological insulators: Bi2Te3 — •Katharina Hoefer, Diana Rata, Christoph Becker, and Liu Hao Tjeng
15:45 |
MA 41.3 |
Magnetotransport in MBE-grown topological insulator (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 thin films — •Christian Weyrich, Tobias Merzenich, Igor E. Batov, Gregor Mussler, Jörn Kampmeier, Yulieth Arango, Detlev Grützmacher, Thomas Schäpers, and Jürgen Schubert
16:00 |
MA 41.4 |
Surface state contribution to thermoelectric transport in Bi2Te3 — •Nicki F. Hinsche, Florian Rittweger, Peter Zahn und Ingrid Mertig
16:15 |
MA 41.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of TT 61.6).
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
MA 41.6 |
Quasi-ballistic transport of Dirac fermions in a Bi2Se3 nanowire — •Joseph Dufouleur, Louis Veyrat, Andreas Teichgräber, Stephan Neuhaus, Christian Nowka, Silke Hampel, J érôme Cayssol, Joachim Schumann, Barbara Eichler, Oliver Schmidt, Bernd Büchner, and Romain Giraud
17:00 |
MA 41.7 |
Magnetotransport in disordered HgTe ribbons — •Sven Essert and Klaus Richter
17:15 |
MA 41.8 |
Probing the Band Topology of Mercury Telluride through Weak Localization and Antilocalization — •Viktor Krueckl and Klaus Richter
17:30 |
MA 41.9 |
Robustness of edge states in non-centrosymmetric superconductors — •Raquel Queiroz und Andreas P. Schnyder
17:45 |
MA 41.10 |
The Kondo cloud in helical edge states — •Thore Posske and Björn Trauzettel