09:30 |
MA 48.1 |
Electrical detection of inverse spin Hall effect induced by spin pumping — •Yuriy Aleksandrov, Jürgen Lindner, Michael Farle, Irina Rod, and Horst Zähres
09:45 |
MA 48.2 |
Spin-Hall effect in 4d and 5d transition metal systems — •Kristina Chadova, Diemo Ködderitzsch, and Hubert Ebert
10:00 |
MA 48.3 |
Colossal spin Hall angle in ultrathin metallic films — •Christian Herschbach, Dmitry Fedorov, Martin Gradhand, and Ingrid Mertig
10:15 |
MA 48.4 |
Spin-Hall nano-oscillators — •Henning Ulrichs, Sergej Demokritov, Vladislav Demidov, Dietmar Baither, Guido Schmitz, Sergei Urazhdin, Vasil Tiberkevich, and Andrei Slavin
10:30 |
MA 48.5 |
Magnetotransport in hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures — •Alex Matos-Abiague and Jaroslav Fabian
10:45 |
MA 48.6 |
Anisotropy of Spin Relaxation in Metals — •Bernd Zimmermann, Phivos Maropoulos, Swantje Heers, Nguyen H. Long, Stefan Blügel, and Yuriy Mokrousov
11:00 |
15 min. break.
11:15 |
MA 48.7 |
Spin relaxation in ultrathin metallic films: Anisotropy and surface-state effects — •Phivos Mavropoulos, Nguyen H. Long, Bernd Zimmermann, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Stefan Blügel
11:30 |
MA 48.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
11:45 |
MA 48.9 |
Spin-disorder resistivity of ferromagnetic metals — •Josef Kudrnovsky, Vaclav Drchal, Ilja Turek, Sergei Khmelevskii, James Glasbrenner und Kirill Belashchenko
12:00 |
MA 48.10 |
Anomalous Hall effect and its anisotropy in disordered tetragonal Fe-Co alloys — •Ilja Turek, Josef Kudrnovsky, and Vaclav Drchal
12:15 |
MA 48.11 |
Exploiting spin extraction for local spin valve structures — •Yori Manzke, Rouin Farshchi, Pawel Bruski, Jens Herfort, and Manfred Ramsteiner
12:30 |
MA 48.12 |
Spin Accumulation in transition Metal thin Films from First Principles — •Frank Freimuth, Stefan Blügel, and Yuriy Mokrousov