MM 12: Computational Materials Modelling - Mechanical Properties
Montag, 11. März 2013, 15:45–18:15, H24
15:45 |
MM 12.1 |
Self-consistent scale-bridging approach to compute the elasticity of multi-phase polycrystals — •Martin Friak, Hajjir Titrian, Ugur Aydin, Dierk Raabe, and Joerg Neugebauer
16:00 |
MM 12.2 |
Mechanical properties of fully lamellar TiAl alloys obtained from a DFT study — •Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, and Alexander Hartmaier
16:15 |
MM 12.3 |
Interaction of dislocations with carbon interstitials in α-iron — •Gholamali Nematollahi, Blazej Grabowski, Johann von Pezold, Chris Race, Jörg Neugebauer, and Dierk Raabe
16:30 |
MM 12.4 |
Atomistic modelling of α-Fe and Fe-C by analytic bond-order potentials including magnetism — •Sebastian Schreiber, Thomas Hammerschmidt, and Ralf Drautz
16:45 |
MM 12.5 |
First-principles calculations of the key atomistic parameters related to hydrogen embrittlement in FeMn — •Aurab Chakrabarty, Johann von Pezold, Robert Spatschek, Tilmann Hickel, and Joerg Neugebauer
17:00 |
MM 12.6 |
Shear instabilities in perfect bcc crystals during simulated tensile tests — •Miroslav Černý, Petr Šesták, Jaroslav Pokluda, and Mojmír Šob
17:15 |
MM 12.7 |
Modeling of pressure-induced phase transformation in Si using a two phases strategy — Sebastien Groh, •Michael Budnitsky, and Meinhard Kuna
17:30 |
MM 12.8 |
Extended Modules Material Assembly — •Matthew S Dyer, Christopher Collins, Darren Hodgeman, Philip Chater, Antoine Demont, Simon Romani, Ruth Sayers, Michael F Thomas, John B Claridge, George R Darling, and Matthew J Rosseinsky
17:45 |
MM 12.9 |
Massively parallel detection of contacts for packing problems using NVIDIA CUDA — •Jakob Nixdorf and Eckard Specht
18:00 |
MM 12.10 |
Direction Dependent Field Evaporation of Pure Materials in Atom Probe Tomography — •Torben Boll and Talaat Al-Kassab