MM 63: Computational Materials Modelling - Phase Stability IV
Donnerstag, 14. März 2013, 17:15–19:00, H24
17:15 |
MM 63.1 |
A thermodynamic consistent multi-phase-field model base on the maximal entropy production principle — •haifeng wang and herlach d.m.
17:30 |
MM 63.2 |
Real-time observation of Ostwald ripening by synchrotron tomography — •Thomas Werz, Michael Heinze, Lukas Helfen, Mario Scheel, Stefan Odenbach, and Carl E. Krill III
17:45 |
MM 63.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:00 |
MM 63.4 |
Acoustic emission during the martensitic transformation of a Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal under compressive stress — •Robert Niemann, Jordi Baró, Oleg Heczko, Ludwig Schultz, Sebastian Fähler, Eduard Vives, Lluis Mañosa, and Antoni Planes
18:15 |
MM 63.5 |
Inverse magnetocaloric effect of epitaxial Ni-Mn-based films — •Anett Diestel, Robert Niemann, Maximilian Uhlmann, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler
18:30 |
MM 63.6 |
Ion-Irradiation-Assisted Phase Selection in Single Crystalline Fe7Pd3 Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films: From fcc to bcc along the Nishiyama-Wassermann Path — •Ariyan Arabi-Hashemi and Stefan G. Mayr
18:45 |
MM 63.7 |
Study of RGS (Ribbon Growth on Substrate) microstructure development — •Pierre Yves Pichon, Dieter Herlach, Schönecker Axel, Dirk Holland-Moritz, and Matthias Kolbe