MM 65: Liquid & Amorphous Metals II
Donnerstag, 14. März 2013, 17:15–19:00, H26
17:15 |
MM 65.1 |
Study of crystallization behavior during ultrafast heating of metallic glasses — •Stefan Küchemann, Jonas Rübsam, Carsten Mahn, Goodwin Gibbins, Norbert Mattern, Marios Demetriou, William Johnson, and Konrad Samwer
17:30 |
MM 65.2 |
Decoupling of component diffusivities in glass-forming Zr-Ni-Ti-Cu-Be alloys above the melting temperature — •Sri Wahyuni Basuki, Fan Yang, Andreas Meyer, Klaus Rätzke, and Franz Faupel
17:45 |
MM 65.3 |
Diffusion and relaxation in a HPT-deformed Zr-based bulk metallic glass — •Jonas Bünz, Koichi Tsuchiya, Sergiy Divinsky, and Gerhard Wilde
18:00 |
MM 65.4 |
Ultrastable Metallic Glass — •Hai-Bin Yu, Yuansu Luo, and Konrad Samwer
18:15 |
MM 65.5 |
Atomic structure and glass-forming ability of Ni64Zr36 and Cu65Zr35 alloys — •Ivan Kaban, Pal Jovari, Valentin Kokotin, Olga Shuleshova, Brigitte Beuneu, Karel Saksl, Norbert Mattern, Jürgen Eckert, and Lindsay Greer
18:30 |
MM 65.6 |
Structure formation in binary amorphous Al alloys with early transition metals from the 4th, 5th, and 6th period — •Martin Stiehler, Danny Müller, Michael Pleul, and Peter Häussler
18:45 |
MM 65.7 |
On structural and electronic properties of Al-Pd Alloys — •Pierre Pudwell, Nan Jiang, and Peter Häussler