16:00 |
O 55.1 |
Hexagonal warping effects in the spin-split electronic structure of the BiAg2 surface alloy — •Hendrik Bentmann, Mattia Mulazzi, and Friedrich Reinert
16:15 |
O 55.2 |
Single Dirac-cone on the Cs-covered topological insulator surface Sb2Te3(0001) — •Christoph Seibel, Hendrik Bentmann, Henriette Maass, Sebastian Fiedler, Christian Junger, Chul-Hee Min, Kazuyuki Sakamoto, Friedrich Reinert, and Kenya Shimada
16:30 |
O 55.3 |
Determining the Rashba splitting of BiCu2/Cu(111) by STS via interband scattering — •Manuel Steinbrecher, Hasmik Harutyunyan, Christian R. Ast, and Daniel Wegner
16:45 |
O 55.4 |
Theory of spin-orbit coupling at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces and SrTiO3 surfaces — •Zhicheng Zhong
17:00 |
O 55.5 |
Strong correlations at topological insulator surfaces and the breakdown of the bulk-boundary correspondence — •Manuel Schmidt
17:15 |
O 55.6 |
Bi/Ag(111) - A ”Bird’s Eye View” - Spin-resolved Band Structure above the Fermi Level — •Sune N. P. Wissing, Anke B. Schmidt, Fabian Zinser, Klaus Kern, Christian R. Ast, and Markus Donath
17:30 |
O 55.7 |
Rashba-Type Spin-Split Surface: (√3 × √3)Bi/Ag(111)R30∘ — •Lydia El-Kareh, Paolo Sessi, Thomas Bathon, and Matthias Bode
17:45 |
O 55.8 |
Unoccupied surface state of Tl/Si(111): Rotating spin and giant splitting — •Sebastian D. Stolwijk, Kazuyuki Sakamoto, Anke B. Schmidt, Peter Krüger, and Markus Donath
18:00 |
O 55.9 |
Origin of Rashba-splitting in the quantized subbands at the Bi2Se3 surface — •Hadj Mohamed Benia, Alexander Yaresko, Andreas P. Schnyder, Jürgen Henk, Chentiang Lin, Klaus Kern, and Christian R. Ast
18:15 |
O 55.10 |
Visualizing Anderson Localization of Non-Interacting Electrons — Fabian Zinser, Maurits W. Haverkort, Sune N. P. Wissing, Anke B. Schmidt, Markus Donath, Klaus Kern, and •Christian R. Ast
18:30 |
O 55.11 |
Spin Polarized Photoemission from Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 Topological Insulator Thin Films — •Lukasz Plucinski, Alexei Herdt, Gustav Bihlmayer, Gregor Mussler, Sven Döring, Detlev Grützmacher, Stefan Blügel, and Claus M. Schneider
18:45 |
O 55.12 |
Electron dynamics of the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se — •Daniel Niesner, Thomas Fauster, Oleg Tereshchenko, Konstantin Kokh, and Evgueni Chulkov
19:00 |
O 55.13 |
Computing the LDOS for a disordered 2DEG with Rashba-type spin orbit interaction — Jascha Ulrich, Serge Florens, •Markus Morgenstern, Daniel Hernangomez, and Thierry Champel