TT 19: Quantum Liquids, Miscellaneous 2
Montag, 11. März 2013, 15:00–16:30, H21
15:00 |
TT 19.1 |
Structures forming out of quantum seeds in Bose condensates with time-dependent tunnel coupling — Clemens Neuenhahn, Anatoli Polkovnikov, and •Florian Marquardt
15:15 |
TT 19.2 |
Interference effects in Fock space in Bose-Hubbard systems — •Thomas Engl, Juan Diego Urbina, Arturo Argüelles Parra, Julien Dujardin, Peter Schlagheck, and Klaus Richter
15:30 |
TT 19.3 |
Fractional charge separation in the hard-core Bose Hubbard Model on the Kagome Lattice — •Xuefeng Zhang and Sebastian Eggert
15:45 |
TT 19.4 |
Propagation of lines of excitations in the two-species Bose Hubbard model — •Carlo Krimphoff, Masud Haque, and Andreas M. Läuchli
16:00 |
TT 19.5 |
Exotic Ising dynamics in a Bose-Hubbard model — •Luis Seabra and Frank Pollmann
16:15 |
TT 19.6 |
Damping of phase fluctuations in superfluid Bose gases — •Philipp Lange, Peter Kopietz, and Andreas Kreisel