09:30 |
TT 28.1 |
Structure and Phase Transitions of the Spiral Antiferromagnet Ba2CuGe2O7 — •Sebastian Mühlbauer, Markus Garst, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, Severian Gvasaliya, Eric Ressouche, Charles Dewhurst, Joachim Kohlbrecher, and Andrey Zheludev
09:45 |
TT 28.2 |
Spin-charge-lattice coupling in the semimetallic ferromagnet EuB6 — •F. Schnelle, R. S. Manna, P. Das, J. Müller, Z. Fisk, and M. Lang
10:00 |
TT 28.3 |
Studying the local magnetic induction of EuB6 by high-resolution micro-Hall magnetometry — •Merlin Pohlit, Adham Amyan, Jens Müller, and Zachary Fisk
10:15 |
TT 28.4 |
Analysis of chemical and external pressures in ReCoPO (Re = La, Pr) and LaCoAsO by means of µ+ spin spectroscopy — •Giacomo Prando, Pietro Bonfà, Gianni Profeta, Rustem Khasanov, Fabio Bernardini, Marcello Mazzani, Eva Maria Bruening, Anand Pal, Veer Awana, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Bernd Buechner, Roberto De Renzi, Pietro Carretta, and Samuele Sanna
10:30 |
TT 28.5 |
Heisenberg like critical properties, Magnetocaloric effect and Scaling in Lead doped NdMnO3 Single Crystal — •Nilotpal Ghosh
10:45 |
TT 28.6 |
From Skyrmions to Helices: Changing the Topology in Chiral Magnets — •Stefan Buhrandt and Achim Rosch
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
TT 28.7 |
Thermal transport properties of single-crystal MnSi — •Marlies Gangl, Anna Kusmartseva, Andreas Bauer, and Christian Pfleiderer
11:30 |
TT 28.8 |
Neutron polarimetry of the fluctuation-induced first order helimagnetic transition in MnSi — •Jonas Kindervater, Wolfgang Häußler, Markus Garst, Marc Janoschek, Christian Pfleiderer, and Peter Böni
11:45 |
TT 28.9 |
Thermodynamic signatures of the skyrmion lattice phase in MnSi and Mn1−xFexSi — •Andreas Bauer and Christian Pfleiderer
12:00 |
TT 28.10 |
Magnetic properties of Mn1−xFexGe — •Sven-Arne Siegfried, Nadezhda Potapova, Evgeny Moskvin, Vadim Dyadkin, Dirk Menzel, Charles D. Dewhurst, Anatoly V. Tsvyashchenko, Dieter Lott, Andreas Schreyer, and Sergey Grigoriev
12:15 |
TT 28.11 |
Signature of gap closure in the phonon spectra of FeSi — •Sven Krannich, Daniel Lamago, Rolf Heid, Klaus-Peter Bohnen, Yvan Sidis, Jean-Michel Mignot, Paul Steffens, Alexander Ivanov, and Frank Weber
12:30 |
TT 28.12 |
Highly Dispersive Scattering From Defects In Non-Collinear Magnets — •Wolfram Brenig and Alexander L. Chernyshev