09:30 |
TT 38.1 |
Verwey Transition in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films studied by Raman spectroscopy — •Mehrdad Baghaie Yazdi, Kwang-Yong Choi, Dirk Wulferding, Peter Lemmens, and Lambert Alff
09:45 |
TT 38.2 |
Strongly Correlated Material under Voltage: The Electrical Breakdown in V2O3 at the Insulator to Metal Transition — •Stefan Guénon, Sebastian Scharinger, Siming Wang, Juan Gabriel Ramírez, Dieter Koelle, Reinhold Kleiner, and Ivan K. Schuller
10:00 |
TT 38.3 |
Nanodomain formation and electronic transport near the 1st-order Mott-Hubbard transition — Qinyong Liu and •Johann Kroha
10:15 |
TT 38.4 |
Phase transitions induced by the cooperative Jahn-Teller effect: A multi-scale study of KCuF3 — •Joaquin Miranda Mena, Erik Koch, and Eva Pavarini
10:30 |
TT 38.5 |
Electronic structure of Nb0.75O0.75 — •Anna Efimenko, Nils Hollmann, Katharina Höfer, Jonas Weinen, Alexander C. Komarek, Zhiwei Hu, A.Agung Nugroho, Hui-Huang Hsieh, Hong-Ji Lin, Chien-Te Chen, Aurora Diana Rata, and Liu Hao Tjeng
10:45 |
TT 38.6 |
Importance of exchange anisotropy and superexchange for the spin-state transitions in RCoO3 (R = rare earth) cobaltates — •Guoren Zhang, Evgeny Gorelov, Erik Koch, and Eva Pavarini
11:00 |
TT 38.7 |
Dielectric breakdown of Mott insulators – doublon production and doublon heating — •Martin Eckstein and Philipp Werner
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
TT 38.8 |
Dimensional-crossover-driven Mott transition in the frustrated Hubbard model — •Marcin Raczkowski and Fakher F. Assaad
11:45 |
TT 38.9 |
Effective singlet dynamics in Mott phases of two-dimensional Hubbard models — •Dominik Ixert and Kai Phillip Schmidt
12:00 |
TT 38.10 |
Dual Fermions + Disorder — •Patrick Haase, Hanna Terletska, Shuxiang Yang, Thomas Pruschke, and Mark Jarrell
12:15 |
TT 38.11 |
Numerical solution of the t-J model with random coupling in infinite dimensions — •Junya Otsuki and Dieter Vollhardt
12:30 |
TT 38.12 |
Optical Investigations of the Metal-Insulator Transition in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Hg(SCN)2Br — •Tomislav Ivek, Rebecca Beyer, Rimma N. Lyubovskaya, and Martin Dressel
12:45 |
TT 38.13 |
Electric-Field Induced Insulator-Metal Transition in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 — •Tobias Knoblauch, Tomislav Ivek, Dieter Schweitzer, and Martin Dressel
13:00 |
TT 38.14 |
Mott Metal-Insulator Transition on Compressible Lattices — •Mario Zacharias, Markus Garst, and Lorenz Bartosch