15:00 |
TT 42.1 |
Magnetic hysteresis effects in superconducting coplanar microwave resonators — •D. Bothner, T. Gaber, M. Kemmler, M. Grünzweig, B. Ferdinand, S. Wünsch, M. Siegel, P. Mikheenko, T. H. Johansen, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner
15:15 |
TT 42.2 |
Anisotropic rare-earth spin ensemble strongly coupled to a superconducting resonator — •Sebastian Probst, Hannes Rotzinger, Ivan Protopopov, Stefan Wünsch, Philipp Jung, Markus Jerger, Michael Siegel, Alexey V. Ustinov, and Pavel Bushev
15:30 |
TT 42.3 |
Tunable Coupling between Two Resonators Controlled by a Flux Qubit: the Quantum Switch — •E. Hoffmann, M. Haeberlein, A. Baust, M. Schwarz, E.P. Menzel, H. Huebl, David Zueco, J.-J. García Ripoll, E. Solano, F. Deppe, A. Marx, and R. Gross
15:45 |
TT 42.4 |
Tunable gradiometric flux qubits in circuit-QED experiments — •J. Goetz, M. J. Schwarz, Z. Jiang, F. Sterr, M. Häberlein, F. Deppe, A. Marx, and R. Gross
16:00 |
TT 42.5 |
Path Entanglement of Continuous-Variable Quantum Microwaves — •E. P. Menzel, R. Di Candia, F. Deppe, P. Eder, L. Zhong, M. Ihmig, M. Haeberlein, A. Baust, E. Hoffmann, D. Ballester, K. Inomata, T. Yamamoto, Y. Nakamura, E. Solano, A. Marx, and R. Gross
16:15 |
TT 42.6 |
Fast microwave beam splitters from superconducting resonators — •M. Haeberlein, D. Zueco, P. Assum, T. Weißl, E. Hoffmann, B. Peropadre, J.J. García-Ripoll, E. Solano, F. Deppe, E. Xie, A. Marx, and R. Gross
16:30 |
TT 42.7 |
Coupling a donor based spin ensemble to superconducting circuits — •Christoph W. Zollitsch, Moritz Greifenstein, Alexander Backs, Felix Hoehne, Martin S. Brandt, Rudolf Gross, and Hans Huebl
16:45 |
15 min. break
17:00 |
TT 42.8 |
Orbitronics in Silicon — •Gabriel Aeppli
17:30 |
TT 42.9 |
Decoherence due to quasiparticle tunneling in circuit QED — •Andreas Heimes, Michael Marthaler, Juha Leppäkangas, and Gerd Schön
17:45 |
TT 42.10 |
Making optimal control work for superconducting qubits — Daniel Egger, Fadi Abu Dagga, Daniel Sank, and •Frank K. Wilhelm
18:00 |
15 min. break
18:15 |
TT 42.11 |
Quantum process tomography of phase and energy relaxation through adaptive measurements — •Markku Stenberg and Frank Wilhelm
18:30 |
TT 42.12 |
Generation of Nonclassical States of Microwave Radiation via Single Photon Detection — •Luke C.G. Govia, Emily J. Pritchett, and Frank K. Wilhelm
18:45 |
TT 42.13 |
Understanding and utilizing phase qubit decoherence channels for microwave photon detection — •Emily Pritchett, Luke Govia, and Frank Wilhelm
19:00 |
TT 42.14 |
Engineered circuit QED with dense resonant modes — •Daniel Egger and Frank Wilhelm