09:30 |
TT 53.1 |
Formation of the coherent heavy fermion liquid at the ‘hidden order’ transition in URu2Si2 — Shouvik Chatterjee, •Jan Trinckauf, Torben Hänke, Daniel E. Shai, John W. Harter, Travis J. Williams, Graeme M. Luke, Kyle M. Shen, and Jochen Geck
09:45 |
TT 53.2 |
High field Hall measurements on UPt2Si2 at very low temperatures — •Dirk Schulze Grachtrup, Ilya Sheikin, Stefan Süllow, and John A. Mydosh
10:00 |
TT 53.3 |
Quasiparticles and Fermi surface of UPt2Si2 — •Zübeyir Cakir and Gertrud Zwicknagl
10:15 |
TT 53.4 |
The magnetic phase diagram of CeAu2Ge2 — •Felix Eilers, Diego Zocco, Chien-Lung Huang, Veronika Fritsch, Kai Grube, and Hilbert v. Löhneysen
10:30 |
TT 53.5 |
Strong enhancement of the thermopower of YbRh2Si2 by La substitution — •Ulrike Stockert, Heike Pfau, Cornelius Krellner, Steffen Wirth, Christoph Geibel, and Frank Steglich
10:45 |
TT 53.6 |
Magnetic phases in Yb(Rh0.42Co0.58)2Si2 — •A. Hannaske, O. Stockert, C. Klingner, C. Krellner, S. Matas, M.-H. Lemee-Cailleau, L. Pedrero, M. Brando, C. Geibel, and F. Steglich
11:00 |
TT 53.7 |
Electronic Structure of LuRh2Si2 - reference to YbRh2Si2 — •Pascal Reiss, Swee K. Goh, F. Malte Grosche, Zachary Fisk, Michael Sutherland, Patrick M.C. Rourke, Gertrud Zwicknagl, and Sven Friedemann
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
TT 53.8 |
Eu valence and Fermi-surface development in EuX2Si2 (X = Co, Rh, Ir) systems — •K. Götze, S. Seiro, C. Geibel, H. Rosner, V. Petzold, A. Polyakov, J. Wosnitza, I. Sheikin, and A. Suslov
11:45 |
TT 53.9 |
Optical study of archetypical valence-fluctuating Eu systems — V. Guritanu, S. Seiro, •J. Sichelschmidt, N. Caroca-Canales, T. Iizuka, S. Kimura, C. Geibel, and F. Steglich
12:00 |
TT 53.10 |
Non-Fermi liquid picture and superconductivity in heavy fermion systems — •Steffen Sykora and Klaus W. Becker
12:15 |
TT 53.11 |
YbPt2Sn and YbPt2In: Unusual weak magnetic exchange in two different structure types — •Thomas Gruner, Dongjin Jang, Alexander Steppke, Manuel Brando, and Christoph Geibel
12:30 |
TT 53.12 |
Magnetic field dependence of multiple order parameters in CeB6 — •G. Friemel, H. Jang, A. Schneidewind, Y. Li, A. V. Dukhhenko, N. Y. Shitsevalova, N. E. Sluchanko, A. Ivanov, V. B. Filipov, B. Keimer, and D. S. Inosov
12:45 |
TT 53.13 |
Spin excitons in the unconventional superconducting and hidden order state of strongly correlated electrons — •Alireza Akbari and Peter Thalmeier