09:30 |
TT 55.1 |
Absence of charge order in the dimerized κ-phase BEDT-TTF salts — •Martin Dressel, Katrin Sedlmeier, Sebastian Elsässer, David Neubauer, Rebecca Beyer, Dan Wu, Tomislav Ivek, Silvia Tomic, and John A. Schlueter
09:45 |
TT 55.2 |
Magnetoacoustic and pressure studies of frustrated distorted diamond chain compound azurite — •P. T. Cong, B. Wolf, R. S. Manna, U. Tutsch, M. de Souza, A. Brühl, and M. Lang
10:00 |
TT 55.3 |
Impurity effects in a S=1/2 Heisenberg spin chain probed by 63Cu NMR — •Yannic Utz, Eva Maria Brüning, Franziska Hammerath, Christian Rudisch, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Ashwin Mohan, Romuald Saint-Martin, Alexandre Revcolevschi, Christian Hess, Satoshi Nishimoto, Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler, and Bernd Büchner
10:15 |
TT 55.4 |
Magnetism of CuX2 frustrated chains (X = F, Cl, Br): the role of covalency — •Stefan Lebernegg, Miriam Schmitt, Alexander Tsirlin, Oleg Janson, and Helge Rosner
10:30 |
TT 55.5 |
Novel frustrated quantum antiferromagnets in the solid-solution Cs2CuCl4−xBrxthrough site-selective halide substitution — •Bernd Wolf, Pham Thanh Cong, Natalia van Well, Franz Ritter, Wolf Assmus, and Michael Lang
10:45 |
TT 55.6 |
A metal-organic spin-1/2 dimer system yielding a 2d field-induced collectively-coupled dimer phase — •U. Tutsch, B. Wolf, T. Kretz, H.-W. Lerner, M. Wagner, S. Wessel, T. Saha-Dasgupta, H. Jeschke, R. Valenti, and M. Lang
11:00 |
TT 55.7 |
Padé approximations for the magnetic susceptibilities of Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin chains for various spin values — •Joseph Law and Reinhard Kremer
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
TT 55.8 |
Similarities between the phase diagrams of the S=3/2 Heisenberg spin chains CrXO4 [X=V,P] — •Joseph Law, Tobias Foerster, Robert Glaum, and Reinhard Kremer
11:45 |
TT 55.9 |
Lattice effects in the 2D valence-bond-solid Mott insulator EtMe3P[Pd(dmit)2]2 — •Rudra Sekhar Manna, Reizo Kato, and Michael Lang
12:00 |
TT 55.10 |
Frustrated Cairo lattice in Bi4Fe5O13F — •Alexander A. Tsirlin, Dmitry Batuk, and Artem M. Abakumov
12:15 |
TT 55.11 |
Magnetic-ordering transitions of the effective XY-spin-1/2 compound Cs2CoCl4 — •Oliver Breunig, Eran Sela, Achim Rosch, Benjamin Buldmann, Petra Becker, Ladislav Bohatý, Sandra Niesen, Ralf Müller, and Thomas Lorenz
12:30 |
TT 55.12 |
Magnetic and structural properties of antiferromagnetic VF3 — •Patrick Reuvekamp, Reinhard Kremer, Roland Eger, Gwilherm Nenert, and Thomas Hansen
12:45 |
TT 55.13 |
Magnetic anisotropies in the Ising spin-chain compound BaCo2V2O8 — •Sandra Niesen, Michael Seher, Gerhard Kolland, Oliver Breunig, and Thomas Lorenz