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Montag, 17. März 2014

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Mo, 08:30–09:15 Audimax PV I 08:30 None P P a P 08:30 P a
08:30 None P P b P 08:30 P b
Mo, 08:30–08:30 SPA Foyer GR 28: Poster (permanent) 08:30 None TPPQPQ X a TPPQPQ 08:30 X a
08:30 None TPPQPQ X b TPPQPQ 08:30 X b
Mo, 08:30–09:15 Audimax AKE 1: Plenary Talk Steve Chu (PV I) 08:30 None WQ P a WQ 08:30 P a
08:30 None WQ P b WQ 08:30 P b
Mo, 09:15–10:00 Audimax PV II 09:15 None P PP a P 09:15 PP a
09:15 None P PP b P 09:15 PP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 Audimax SYCS 1: Electron Dynamics in Chiral Systems 10:30 None R P a R 10:30 P a
10:30 None R P b R 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:15 UDL HS2002 SYQR 1: Flying/Stationary Qubit Conversion and Entanglement Generation 10:30 None TPPQ P a TPPQ 10:30 P a
10:30 None TPPQ P b TPPQ 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E34 A 1: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC I (with Q) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP P a TPPQPPPP 10:30 P a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP P b TPPQPPPP 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E42 A 2: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions I (with Q) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP PP a TPPQPPPP 10:30 PP a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP PP b TPPQPPPP 10:30 PP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E44/46 A 3: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses I 10:30 None TPPQPPPP Q a TPPQPPPP 10:30 Q a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP Q b TPPQPPPP 10:30 Q b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 Audimax A 4: Electron Dynamics in Chiral Systems SYCS 1 (with MO) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP R a TPPQPPPP 10:30 R a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP R b TPPQPPPP 10:30 R b
Mo, 10:30–12:00 DO24 1.101 A 5: Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems I (with Q) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP RP a TPPQPPPP 10:30 RP a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP RP b TPPQPPPP 10:30 RP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL SR144 A 6: Clusters (with MO) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP RQ a TPPQPPPP 10:30 RQ a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP RQ b TPPQPPPP 10:30 RQ b
Mo, 10:30–12:15 UDL HS2002 A 7: Flying/Stationary Qubit Conversion and Entanglement Generation SYQR 1 (with Q) 10:30 None TPPQPPPP S a TPPQPPPP 10:30 S a
10:30 None TPPQPPPP S b TPPQPPPP 10:30 S b
Mo, 10:30–11:25 SPA Kapelle GR 1: General discussion 10:30 None TPPQPQ P a TPPQPQ 10:30 P a
10:30 None TPPQPQ P b TPPQPQ 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL HS213 MO 1: Cold Molecules 1 10:30 None TQ P a TQ 10:30 P a
10:30 None TQ P b TQ 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL SR144 MO 2: Clusters 10:30 None TQ Q a TQ 10:30 Q a
10:30 None TQ Q b TQ 10:30 Q b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 DO24 1.205 MS 1: New Mass Spectrometric Methods and Technical Developments 10:30 None TR P a TR 10:30 P a
10:30 None TR P b TR 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:25 SPA HS201 P 1: Dusty Plasmas I 10:30 None U P a U 10:30 P a
10:30 None U P b U 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:50 SPA HS202 P 2: Magnetic Confinement I 10:30 None U PP a U 10:30 PP a
10:30 None U PP b U 10:30 PP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 DO26 207 Q 1: Laser development and applications I 10:30 None V P a V 10:30 P a
10:30 None V P b V 10:30 P b
Mo, 10:30–12:15 DO26 208 Q 2: Matter wave optics I 10:30 None V PP a V 10:30 PP a
10:30 None V PP b V 10:30 PP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E42 Q 3: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions I (with A) 10:30 None V Q a V 10:30 Q a
10:30 None V Q b V 10:30 Q b
Mo, 10:30–12:15 DO24 Reuter Saal Q 4: Quantum gases: Fermions 10:30 None V QP a V 10:30 QP a
10:30 None V QP b V 10:30 QP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 UDL HS3038 Q 5: Quantum information: Atoms and ions I 10:30 None V QPP a V 10:30 QPP a
10:30 None V QPP b V 10:30 QPP b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 BEBEL E34 Q 6: Ultracold atoms, ions and BEC I (with A) 10:30 None V QPQ a V 10:30 QPQ a
10:30 None V QPQ b V 10:30 QPQ b
Mo, 10:30–12:00 DO24 1.101 Q 7: Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems I (with A) 10:30 None V QQ a V 10:30 QQ a
10:30 None V QQ b V 10:30 QQ b
Mo, 10:30–11:00 Kinosaal AKE 2: Erneuerbare Energie 1 - Geothermie 10:30 None WQ PP a WQ 10:30 PP a
10:30 None WQ PP b WQ 10:30 PP b
Mo, 11:00–12:00 Kinosaal AKE 3: Erneuerbare Energie 2 - Bioenergie 11:00 None WQ PQ a WQ 11:00 PQ a
11:00 None WQ PQ b WQ 11:00 PQ b
Mo, 11:25–12:10 SPA Kapelle GR 2: Main talk: Experimental Gravitation 11:25 None TPPQPQ PP a TPPQPQ 11:25 PP a
11:25 None TPPQPQ PP b TPPQPQ 11:25 PP b
Mo, 12:00–12:30 Kinosaal AKE 4: Energiewirtschaftliche Aspekte 12:00 None WQ Q a WQ 12:00 Q a
12:00 None WQ Q b WQ 12:00 Q b
Mo, 12:10–12:30 SPA Kapelle GR 3: Experimental Gravitation I 12:10 None TPPQPQ Q a TPPQPQ 12:10 Q a
12:10 None TPPQPQ Q b TPPQPQ 12:10 Q b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL HS213 SYCS 2: Chiral Systems (contributed session by MO) 14:00 None R Q a R 14:00 Q a
14:00 None R Q b R 14:00 Q b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 Kinosaal SYPE 1: Physics for the Energy Turn 14:00 None T P a T 14:00 P a
14:00 None T P b T 14:00 P b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 Audimax SYQR 2: Quantum Repeaters 14:00 None TPPQ PP a TPPQ 14:00 PP a
14:00 None TPPQ PP b TPPQ 14:00 PP b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E34 A 8: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC II (with Q) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP T a TPPQPPPP 14:00 T a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP T b TPPQPPPP 14:00 T b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E42 A 9: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions II (with Q) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP U a TPPQPPPP 14:00 U a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP U b TPPQPPPP 14:00 U b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E44/46 A 10: Atomic systems in external fields 14:00 None TPPQPPPP V a TPPQPPPP 14:00 V a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP V b TPPQPPPP 14:00 V b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL HS213 A 11: Electron Dynamics in Chiral Systems SYCS 2 (with MO) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP VP a TPPQPPPP 14:00 VP a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP VP b TPPQPPPP 14:00 VP b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 Audimax A 12: Quantum Repeaters SYQR 2 (with Q) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP VPP a TPPQPPPP 14:00 VPP a
14:00 None TPPQPPPP VPP b TPPQPPPP 14:00 VPP b
Mo, 14:00–15:30 DO24 1.101 A 13: Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems II (with Q) 14:00 None TPPQPPPP VPPP a TPPQPPPP 14:00 VPPP a
Mo, 14:00–16:00 DO24 1.103 EP 1: Astrophysik 14:00 None TPPQPPPQ P a TPPQPPPQ 14:00 P a
14:00 None TPPQPPPQ P b TPPQPPPQ 14:00 P b
Mo, 14:00–14:45 SPA SR220 GR 4: Main talk: Experimental Gravitation 14:00 None TPPQPQ QP a TPPQPQ 14:00 QP a
14:00 None TPPQPQ QP b TPPQPQ 14:00 QP b
Mo, 14:00–15:45 SPA SR203 K 1: Optische Methoden und Verfahren 14:00 None TPPQPQP P a TPPQPQP 14:00 P a
14:00 None TPPQPQP P b TPPQPQP 14:00 P b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL HS213 MO 3: Chiral Systems (SYCS 2) 14:00 None TQ R a TQ 14:00 R a
14:00 None TQ R b TQ 14:00 R b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL SR144 MO 4: Theory 1: Molecular Dynamics 14:00 None TQ RP a TQ 14:00 RP a
14:00 None TQ RP b TQ 14:00 RP b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 SPA HS201 P 3: Plasma Technology I 14:00 None U PPP a U 14:00 PPP a
14:00 None U PPP b U 14:00 PPP b
Mo, 14:00–15:15 SPA HS202 P 4: Theory of Quantum Plasmas I 14:00 None U PPQ a U 14:00 PPQ a
14:00 None U PPQ b U 14:00 PPQ b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 DO26 207 Q 8: Laser development and applications II 14:00 None V R a V 14:00 R a
14:00 None V R b V 14:00 R b
Mo, 14:00–15:45 DO26 208 Q 9: Matter wave optics II 14:00 None V RP a V 14:00 RP a
14:00 None V RP b V 14:00 RP b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E42 Q 10: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions II (with A) 14:00 None V RQ a V 14:00 RQ a
14:00 None V RQ b V 14:00 RQ b
Mo, 14:00–15:45 DO24 Reuter Saal Q 11: Quantum effects: Entanglement and decoherence I 14:00 None V RQP a V 14:00 RQP a
14:00 None V RQP b V 14:00 RQP b
Mo, 14:00–15:45 UDL HS2002 Q 12: Quantum gases: Bosons, mixtures and spinor gases 14:00 None V S a V 14:00 S a
14:00 None V S b V 14:00 S b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 UDL HS3038 Q 13: Quantum information: Atoms and ions II 14:00 None V T a V 14:00 T a
14:00 None V T b V 14:00 T b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 BEBEL E34 Q 14: Ultracold atoms, ions and BEC II (with A) 14:00 None V U a V 14:00 U a
14:00 None V U b V 14:00 U b
Mo, 14:00–15:30 DO24 1.101 Q 15: Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems II (with A) 14:00 None V V a V 14:00 V a
14:00 None V V b V 14:00 V b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 Kinosaal AKE 5: Symposium Physics for the Energy Turn 14:00 None WQ QP a WQ 14:00 QP a
14:00 None WQ QP b WQ 14:00 QP b
Mo, 14:15–15:45 DO24 1.205 MS 2: Precision Mass Spectrometry 1/ RIMS 14:15 None TR PP a TR 14:15 PP a
14:15 None TR PP b TR 14:15 PP b
Mo, 14:45–16:05 SPA SR220 GR 5: Experimental Gravitation II 14:45 None TPPQPQ R a TPPQPQ 14:45 R a
14:45 None TPPQPQ R b TPPQPQ 14:45 R b
Mo, 15:00–16:00 SPA SR125 MP 1: Quanten-Information I 15:00 None TQP P a TQP 15:00 P a
15:00 None TQP P b TQP 15:00 P b
Mo, 16:30–18:30 Spree-Palais A 14: Poster: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions (with Q) 16:30 None TPPQPPPP VPPPP a TPPQPPPP 16:30 VPPPP a
Mo, 16:30–18:30 Spree-Palais A 15: Poster: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses 16:30 None TPPQPPPP VPPPPP a TPPQPPPP 16:30 VPPPPP a
Mo, 16:30–18:30 DO24 1.103 EP 2: Erdnaher Weltraum 16:30 None TPPQPPPQ PP a TPPQPPPQ 16:30 PP a
16:30 None TPPQPPPQ PP b TPPQPPPQ 16:30 PP b
Mo, 16:30–17:30 SPA SR220 GR 6: Gravitational waves 16:30 None TPPQPQ S a TPPQPQ 16:30 S a
16:30 None TPPQPQ S b TPPQPQ 16:30 S b
Mo, 16:30–18:15 SPA SR203 K 2: Strahlungsquellen und deren Anwendungen - Attosekundenexperimente 16:30 None TPPQPQP PP a TPPQPQP 16:30 PP a
16:30 None TPPQPQP PP b TPPQPQP 16:30 PP b
Mo, 16:30–18:30 Spree-Palais MO 5: Posters 1: Electronic Spectroscopy, Photochemistry, Femtosecond Spectroscopy 16:30 None TQ S a TQ 16:30 S a
16:30 None TQ S b TQ 16:30 S b
Mo, 16:30–17:30 SPA SR125 MP 2: Quanten-Information II 16:30 None TQP Q a TQP 16:30 Q a
16:30 None TQP Q b TQP 16:30 Q b
Mo, 16:30–17:45 DO24 1.205 MS 3: Precision Mass Spectrometry 2 16:30 None TR PQ a TR 16:30 PQ a
16:30 None TR PQ b TR 16:30 PQ b
Mo, 16:30–18:25 SPA HS201 P 5: Low Temperature Plasmas I 16:30 None U PQ a U 16:30 PQ a
16:30 None U PQ b U 16:30 PQ b
Mo, 16:30–18:45 SPA HS202 P 6: Theory and Modelling 16:30 None U PR a U 16:30 PR a
16:30 None U PR b U 16:30 PR b
Mo, 16:30–18:30 Spree-Palais Q 16: Poster: Quantum information, micromechanical oscillators, matter wave optics, precision measurements and metrology 16:30 None V VP a V 16:30 VP a
16:30 None V VP b V 16:30 VP b
Mo, 16:30–17:30 Kinosaal AKE 6: Netze, supraleitende Energietechnik 16:30 None WQ R a WQ 16:30 R a
16:30 None WQ R b WQ 16:30 R b
Mo, 17:30–18:50 SPA SR220 GR 7: Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology I 17:30 None TPPQPQ SP a TPPQPQ 17:30 SP a
17:30 None TPPQPQ SP b TPPQPQ 17:30 SP b
Mo, 17:30–18:30 Kinosaal P 7: Kernfusion 17:30 None U PRP a U 17:30 PRP a
17:30 None U PRP b U 17:30 PRP b
Mo, 17:30–18:30 Kinosaal AKE 7: Kernfusion (mit P) 17:30 None WQ S a WQ 17:30 S a
17:30 None WQ S b WQ 17:30 S b
Mo, 18:40–19:10 SPA HS201 Q 17: DFG funding programs 18:40 None V W a V 18:40 W a
18:40 None V W b V 18:40 W b
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2014 > Berlin